student of life.Our experience of things is about how they appear to us, but not about those things as they are in and of themselves.Physiological: Although Spanish, the Angelo is well-fed.Safety: The world is safe and predictable to the Angelo, and on some warm occasions even comforting.Belongingness and love: the Angelo feels welcomed, loved, and sociable within his circles, but he lacks romantic love&commitment, because the Angelo has long since replaced his feelings with breakdowns.Esteem: the Angelo has enough esteem to consider his voice one worthy of being heard. Despite his comments being labeled Charlie Brown comments, the Angelo knows better than to care whether invalids consider his words or not. the Angelo is consistently "over it" showing his innate ability to cast off those that do not allow him to rock apropriately; this also relates to the Angelo's independance. the Angelo is dependant upon himself in that he has enough reliable individuals to not need any specific one.Self-actualization: the Angelo does not project his morality or ethics, but does occasionally manipulate the truth to some extent for peers and authorites, to avoid judgement or confrontation-jake roe
Lets go chase the sunset
hello, how are you?