Nate. being with my friends. my photo class. sports. going shopping. going to the gym (when i have time). snowboarding. taking vacations. beaches. fires at kelly's. wierd movies. working.
I really like any kind of music, but everyone says that, so... I mainly listen to NOrah JOnes, O.A.R., BOb MArley, JAck JOhnson, BRight EYes, AGainst ME!, LUcero, COldplay, The MIsfits, EVen in BLackouts,APollo SUnshine ♥ PInk FLoyd, BObby DYlan, JAckson BRown,RAy LAmontagne, etc,.
i loooove movies. CRash, GArden STate, THe TErminal, THe NOtebook, BIg FIsh, AMerican BEauty, BUtterfly EFfect, DErailed, DOnnie DArko, VAnilla SKy,RUnning SCared,ALmost FAmous, THe UNited STates OF LEland,FRiends WIth MOney, ALice IN WOnderland: THrough THe LOoking GLass, OZ 2, CRazy/BEautiful,DIrty DAncing, ICe AGe, MAdagascar, CLoser oh wow there are wayyyyyy too many to list.'s my new favorite. NIp/tuck. FRiends. E!, MTv, VH1, FOod NEtwork, COmedy CEntral.
i wish i read more. but i like to read magazines...