dJ dee_SatiSfacti0n ;) n0t my muSic;
techn0 &+ h0uSe iS whAt i live f0R
d0Wn f0R w/E && l0ve t0 hAVE a g00d tiME
100% spaniSh;cuban;dominican;puertorican
and DONT confuse me with anything else; plese &= thank u
cAN be t/ NiCESt pERs0N iF uR chill
l0vE t0 tEXt s0 iF uR h0t; aSk f0R t/ diGitS;)
t0p 4 t0p?? add mE;)
aiM[(0ffiCiAl MySpACe)]