hmmm..i'm a human.i cry, i bleed, i absolutely a loser..most of my so called friends set me aside..most of them dumped me..because they thought im not good enough for them..but why should i push myself to those people who hates me? I won't lie, i'm somehow incomplete.i've read the script that's been written for me.but i know where my heart lies, i know where i belong, and it's further than it seems.I don't like to get bored cuz being bored is bad.I like to laugh at other people's misery their stupidity and their ignorance..and for me?life time agony is the life i'm leading. tears falling and heart breaking was part of me.happiness wasn't there but sorrows and sadness were waiting for me. depression, alone, attemp suicide and breaking down is what im used to. i live to talk, laugh till it hurts, think, draw out my expression, write poems. i love watching the sunset, kissing in the rain is amazing and lightning storms inspire me.
im a human being. i think? oh ya i am.
What Type O f Goth Are You?
Simple Goth Ah, you waer black for it's beauty and serene calm. You look to distance your self by showing your love art and the tragically romantic. You are a nonconformist too, right? Uh-huh.
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