aNgeL Of Sin...'-_-' profile picture

aNgeL Of Sin...'-_-'

I am here for Friends

About Me

hmmm..i'm a human.i cry, i bleed, i absolutely a loser..most of my so called friends set me aside..most of them dumped me..because they thought im not good enough for them..but why should i push myself to those people who hates me? I won't lie, i'm somehow incomplete.i've read the script that's been written for me.but i know where my heart lies, i know where i belong, and it's further than it seems.I don't like to get bored cuz being bored is bad.I like to laugh at other people's misery their stupidity and their ignorance..and for me?life time agony is the life i'm leading. tears falling and heart breaking was part of me.happiness wasn't there but sorrows and sadness were waiting for me. depression, alone, attemp suicide and breaking down is what im used to. i live to talk, laugh till it hurts, think, draw out my expression, write poems. i love watching the sunset, kissing in the rain is amazing and lightning storms inspire me.
im a human being. i think? oh ya i am.

What Type O f Goth Are You?
Simple Goth Ah, you waer black for it's beauty and serene calm. You look to distance your self by showing your love art and the tragically romantic. You are a nonconformist too, right? Uh-huh.
Myspace Quizzes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet? -PipOL hu LAbs dArknEss-PipOL hu LAbs MorBid PoEms-PipOL hu LAbs to tAlk About dEatH-PipOL hu LAbs CoLoR bLaCk And bLaCk cLothEs-PipOL hu LAbs PiErcing And tAtOoS-PipOL hu LAbs Eye LiNeR And mAke Ups-PipOL hu LAbs BLoOd-PipOL hu LAbs to tAke A PiCs iN d cEmEtery-PipOL hu LAbs iMmOrtALity And Eternity-PipOL hu ALwayS Do A gOats HoRn And RoCk On Sign-PipOL hu LAbs All ALone-PipOL hu LAbs to MakE SuiCidE notEs-PipOL hu LAbs to Cut HiS/hEr wRiSt-AnD AsTiG PipOL likE YOU!!!

My Blog

listen in the silence

When you cry does anybody know?~ not really.When you love, do you give your all?~ above all...i meant everything.Given the chance to be in front of your most recent ex, what would you say?~ nothing. W...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 20:44:00 GMT

45 things a gurl wants..but wont ask for~!

1. Touch her waist.2. Actually talk to her.3. Share secrets with her.4. Give her your jacket.5. Kiss her slowly. Are you remembering this?6. Hug her.7. Hold her.8. Laugh with her.9. Invite her somewhe...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:42:00 GMT

siLLy qUesTioNs.... (hmmm...-_-)

1. What Can you say about men who leave their wife and children?--'> jerks and a**holes!2.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?--..> yup3. How long have you been breathing?--..> shou...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:39:00 GMT

bLack aS tHe miDnighT hEarT.... T_T

Wings of angels, shaded the sky And stained the sunset with ebony stars Sorrow met madness, and daggers consumed Ashes of beauty, forlorn and defiled. Behowlling the purity of death The vicious temptr...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 20:26:00 GMT

70 cOnfesSiOns... T_T

1. Who was the last person to call you baby?         & nbsp;         & nbsp;      ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 10:10:00 GMT

cAn u aNswEr tHis?

(lets see if you can get through it. if not, you're too scared about your past) BEGIN. 1. Longest relationship?         ;      &nb...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 09:57:00 GMT

LiviNg iN tHe pAsT... T_T

Though you try to remember that the past is in the past, you can't help but bring it into your present. Instead of using mistakes or experiences you've already had as a stepping stone, you tend to dwe...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 19:20:00 GMT

dEviL mAy cRy...

i just miss u so... T_T
Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:36:00 GMT

yOur gUarDian AnGeL... i hOpe???

When I see your smile, Tears roll down my face.I can't replace.And now that I'm stronger, I have figured out, How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.And I know I'll find deep inside m...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 19:11:00 GMT