Thulla is a danish autodidact singer and composer. She has reliesed 6 albums:
"Thulla" ('99)
"The Spirit of Yesterday ('01)
"Double Up, Please!" ('02)
"EvergreenMachine ('03)
"Life is a Car" ('05)
And a combilation with some new tunes too, "Trip" (06), CCT-Records
Retro Sisters & Schwanzen Sänger Knaben, 2007
From the papers:
" wonderful" BT 5/6
".. she has the courage to go her own ways.."Jyllands Posten 5/6
"Thulla is the speciel one among danish female singers" Politiken 4/6
"So fascinating!" Berlingske Tidende 6/6
"Thulla's voice is unique in Denmark" Soundvenue
"..a coctail between Marilyn Monroe, Rickie Lee Jones and Lisa Ekdahl" Gaffa Music Magazine 4/6
She has been portraited in danish television several times and her albums are reliesed in Japan, Germany and Portugal.Bye her albums at iTunes! If u have problems, please send her a mail!