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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Get more at PimpMyCodeSpace.comMy AIM is : justafollowerks I grew up in Perry Hall Maryland with my dad and went to Perry Hall Christian School from Kindergarten until 8th grade. Then i moved up to my moms house in Glen Rock Pa where i met my husband at age 14 didn't know at the time of course lol. I attended York Tech for Culinary Arts in High School and decided Cake Decorator was a awesome hobby to do so that is what I currently do out of my home. -------UPDATED JANUARY OF 08 :)----------- Dated and then got married in my junior year to Kurt and we have been married over 5 years now. We have 3 sons Daniel who is 5 and Tyger who is 2 and Kurt who is 1 We also have a baby girl due Feb 22 of 08. We have a foster son who is 6 named Hezekiah. He is a great kid and I pray he will be a great man of God one day but I will never know how he will turn out once he goes back home with his mom. That is the hard thing about fostering. I actually am going on a missions trip Sept 08 to Haiti and will have to fund raise soon so be expected to here from me :) We are very involved with our church with worship sound tech/ Missions board and Bible study leaders so our time is a little short between our family life and church life. I love Comedy that is the best. They need to get some Comedy places in York and I love to go to weddings that might sound weird but it is always a lot of fun :P I like vacations and water parks are awesome. I haven't gone to one in a long time since i'm always pregnant. I like theme parks too but am not sure if i'm to chicken now to get on a roller coaster. I love that I don't have to work and can stay at home. I can't stand people that don't know how to budget when they make more than my family of soon to be 5 and say they can't pay their rent!!! When it is them living by themselves. I think it is dumb to buy a new car when you can get a cheap car that does the same thing. Drives! I like planning events, especially birthday party's. I like doing puppet shows they are fun and make adults laugh as well as kids. I want to try and make some money doing puppet shows for kids birthdays. We will see how that works out. I am also trying to learn how to make balloon animals. It will take some time, but i have time so it is ok. I want to go on a cruise someday and to go back to Disney World but Kurt is against Disney World. I think that 9 out of 10 marriages can be saved if people weren't so selfish. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself when I get a break from the kids. I like dates with Kurt though we laugh a lot a whole lot and it is really nice cause it reminds me of what it was like when we were dating and all the silly fun we had, but now we are adults so we have to change poopy diapers and kiss booboo's. If i'm given a goal I almost always accomplish it. I feel like i'm an organized person but sometimes I feel as though my head fell off. When i'm pregnant I have pregnancy forgetfullness and it is really bad. My parents have finally decided that i'm doing good for myself not sure when i was doing bad??? I love how God provides for the faithful. It is important to have a camera and a video camera. The world would be a better place without TV. We probably wouldn't be so fat. I like Icecream a lot infact way to much. I don't like unfit mothers they make me mad. I like change even if it is bad. I like getting new clothes unless it means that all my old ones are to small. I'm a thrifty shopper in fact to thrifty sometimes but if something gets messed up in my closet it is ok I only paid a maximum of $8.00. I'm not really a dog or cat person not that i don't like them i just don't want one. I used to have ferrets and they were very tame and they were really cool pets. I want to be able to go on a mission trip some time in the future when i feel like i can leave my kids for an entire 2 weeks which will be years from now. I like watching plays they are a lot of fun for me and i do like to act but haven't done anything since like the 6th grade hahahaha. I think i'm good at giving advice on most things and i like to help people out with their problems but if I tell them to pray about it or you need to turn back to God and they don't, don't expect me to listen to the same problem another 20 times you already got my thoughts opinions and advice about it and everything i say i say it in love. I'm not a hostile person just upfront in a nice way i like to get to know people by asking them a lot of question and for some reason that intimidates some people . Maybe i ask hard questions or maybe they just didn't expect so many. Not sure on that still conducting a survey lol. My husband has more of the inside scoop on that. I think it is funny when people ask me what do you want to be when you grow up. I don't know! I'm going to be a mom of 4 soon i think i have grown up, again my husband has more of the inside scoop on that hahahah. I'm a generous person unless you are using me then you have been what i like to say cut off. I love meeting new people and old friends i've lost contact with, so if you remember me than by all means say hi :)
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Ok lets see my interests I like to shop but only for thrifty deals i'm really good at that except for underwear they for some reason are like always a dollar a pair lol I love playing sports especially Volleyball i used to be really good but I never get to play anymore so i'm funny to watch. I like hanging out with all of my friends never enough time though. I like to travel don't get to do that much either. I'm a very giving person usually if you have a need i can fill it or know how to fill it. GOd is so awesome in that way and how he takes care of me ( he would be one of my biggest interests too. :)

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I'd like to meet:

hmmm this is a tough one to answer I actually can't think of anyone. A lot of times when you really want to meet someone it usually ends up being disappointing. Maybe Adam and Eve that would be interesting :)


I like pretty much anything favorites are Creed, Lifehouse, Matt Redman, Third Day, Todd Agnew is great!!! along those lines


I love moulin rouge, just married, you got served, anything with Julia styles in it and i love Ever After I watch that one often Kurt makes fun of me for it though lol


Don't watch so don't have any favorites. I used to watch trading spaces and overhaul and friends and stuff like that.


I would definitally put Jesus on the top of my list. Not only did he die for me but he showed his power by raising again the 3rd day. ( can you do that) I don't think so :).As far as a person goes I would have to say my husband, He is my best friend and i really look up to him. If i don't know something he always has the answer. He is extremly smart and awesome peron all together. He always wants the best for me and wants me to achieve as many goals as i want in life. He is a wonderful dad the best i think because he helps me cook and clean and even changes diapers :O) He also knows who his savior is and that is the most important thing about him being a hero he prays with me and we make decisions together.Sorry if I talked your ears off guys :)

My Blog

My Baby Girl!!!

Well as you can see by the title she has finally arrived :) Wednesday the 13th I had a doc appointment and they said I was 1cm dilated and then they striped my membranes to help boost my body to hopef...
Posted by Katie on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:07:00 PST

My baby becomes a boy

Well it has been 5 years since I have given birth to my very first son, Daniel. He has grown into a handsome young boy that is trying to find the line between still doing baby things and maning up to ...
Posted by Katie on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:50:00 PST

2008 Goals :)

So every year I do this and I think most of us that do, do resolutions do it because the don't have a dead line for any of them so if you can accomplish it by the end of the year it makes you feel bet...
Posted by Katie on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:25:00 PST

07 goals

The original goals for 2007 :) Well lets see how I did.1. Weigh 150 ( loose 25lbs) No Got Pregnant!!2 Read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy 3 timesonce to refreshtwice to go overthi...
Posted by Katie on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 02:08:00 PST

Hezekiah Update

Hezekiah is getting to be a big boy now. He is really growing a ton!! both physically and mentally and of course emotionally. He has been in school for two months now and from the summer time we got h...
Posted by Katie on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 06:17:00 PST


Well right now is going  to be an interesting time for our family. We are continueing on with our business, which is running a lot smoother this year. So that is really exciting for me. Kurt stil...
Posted by Katie on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:37:00 PST


Well I have started homeschooling Daniel officially since January. He isn't supposed to go to "real" school until next school year but he is a very smart kid and I figured lets start him now :) He is ...
Posted by Katie on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:06:00 PST

I’m Pregnant!!!

Yup that is right i"m pregnant and Kurt and I are sooo happy about our soon to be addition. I will be 5 months this Saturday!! So time has really flown by. I was going to announce earlier but I had so...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:15:00 PST

I need MONEY!!!

I'm having a Jewelry making party Oct 14th :) through Gems4jc.com and You are personally invited :)My church is going on a missions trip and my husband and i have decided that I'm going no matter what...
Posted by Katie on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 07:26:00 PST


Well here is an update on us.I'm sure you know now that we are a family of 6 because of our new edition with our foster care child. He is doing awesome. I have had him a little over a month and I thin...
Posted by Katie on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:27:00 PST