adam profile picture


You have a serious problem of distorting reality. You could sleep with the entire planet and still f

About Me

im not 23 anymore, but i am still from dirty leeds. im a southpaw, like rocky balboa (the italian stallion). i am in a band called i love poland. i play the fender jaguar, alongside the glockanspiel and shouting. the song dream operator by the talking heads conveys how id like to feel everyday when i wake up.
im a bit of a brat. i like to go out saturday afternoon and come home sunday afternoon. i like to drink rum, specifically sailor jerry's. i also like pernod and lemonade. i like to dance. i have recently rediscovered my love for film, having lost it for a while, having studied the damn thing for nigh on 7 years.
i'd like to make a difference somehow through my art. thats the aim really. im currently working on a project based in sudan.
i try not to eat animals, but sometimes i do. mainly its chicken that catches me out. as morrissey once said "eating lamb is like eating children".someone once told me that my live visuals are better than the visuals performed at the who. no word of a lie.

My Interests

politics, art, film, music, silly tattoo's, pumps (not reebok pump, just plain old canvas shoes), dark rum, black coffee, bands with lot's of members and generally feeling liked.

I'd like to meet:

the tramps, the thieves and the friendly drunks.


baroque pop and art rock and new wave and other stuff.


i especially like the work cassavetes, cuaron, godard, scorsese, truffaut, aranofsky, kar-wai and wes anderson. french new-wave be my genre of choice.


lost, seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm and arrested development.


watchmen, on the road, accidental genius, girlfriend in a coma are my favourites.


john cassavetes,
david byrne,
jarvis cocker,
jean-luc godard.

My Blog

of wizard men cunts and mandates.

my good friend scot and i decided to go see harry potter tonight, it wasnt planned per se, just on a whim. iv only ever seen the last one properly(and that was only to see jarvis cocker singing) so im...
Posted by adam on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 05:27:00 PST

in our bedroom after the war....

"i was looking for a job and then i found a job" to quote his mozasty, and as the story went on, the prospect of working in insurance for a multinational company made me pretty miserable (now). "anywa...
Posted by adam on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 03:20:00 PST

haven't had a blog in a long time.....

my powerbook has broken. its akin to losing a limb, how close we were.
Posted by adam on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:33:00 PST

confessions of a nineteen year old glorious mess.

last friday i went out for an old friends twenty-fourth birthday. i got a ride with another friends sister. as we were waiting for the call from my friends sisters brother which would signal it was ti...
Posted by adam on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:38:00 PST

Just a rock n roll heart, roll heart, roll heart

so we had our first few gigs last weekend. it was really good, everything went well, especially seeing as it were our first shows. as a result of reaction and oppertunities that have arisen as a resul...
Posted by adam on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:25:00 PST

the world's worst blog

i havent blogged for ages but im actually in the mood for it now. i usually blog at, as its easier, so thats where iv been for tha last few months. i write a ridiculous amount there tho, or at...
Posted by adam on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:39:00 PST

my favourite bulletin, preserved forever thanks to the power of blog.

my name is adam judy right, well, theres two kids in korea, and they play ping pong professionally (what a poetic term with many P's). anyway the boy is called ADAM and the girl is named JUDY. adam an...
Posted by adam on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:50:00 PST

of axl rose and pre-teen princess leah's....

p.s. this is missing the first half of what was originally quite an epic blog. the rest is on my actual blog. we join the action at thus point. so yeah valentines day next week. im assuming this weeke...
Posted by adam on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:36:00 PST

it was the (friday) night before christmas...

good evening ladies and gentlemen, i hope your sitting comfortably. then i'll begin. ive had a busy day today. i was awoken at 8ish, from jack barking at the postman. he wasnt a real postman, moreso a...
Posted by adam on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:02:00 PST

no blog for saturday??!?! why ever not?!?!?!

i just noticed i hadnt blogged about saturday. read into that what you will. wooo! that woo was the faint sound of a dying party popper. the sound of my heart! woooo! in other news-today i finally bou...
Posted by adam on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:50:00 PST