Tom "Slick " profile picture

Tom "Slick "

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm not going to bore you with the details about me that I think are cool and interesting that you care absolutely nothing about.... so, I'll just make a quick little list to give you a slightly better idea of who I am...- Auto-enthusiast - Automotive Performance Parts Designer - Former owner of an automotive performance company - I can actually fix things around the house... *a.k.a.* Handy man - I like all sorts of music, all sorts! - I have a sick, yet funny sense of humor - I actually do have a soft side, but I protect it from getting stabbed... - If you want to know more about me, then send me a message - I do not read minds or have ESP, so refer back to the line above... Enough of the smart@ss stuff... Talk to ya'll Later!!!For those of you curious about how I got the nickname Tom "Slick", it has to do with the old cartoon that was shown along with George of the Jungle... One of my drag racing buddies started calling me that and it stuck. So there! he he he

My Interests

See "about me"...

American Cities That Best Fit You:

85% Austin
70% Atlanta
70% Denver
70% Miami
60% Honolulu Which American Cities Best Fit You?

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English
30% Dixie
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Your ..1 Love Type: ISFP

The ArtistIn love, you feel deeply and experience intense emotions. For you, sex is serious. It's how you best express your feelings.Overall, you are laid back, warm, and a good listener. However, you tend to seem lazy and disinterested sometimes.Best matches: ESFJ and ENFJWhat's Your Love Type?
T Tough
H Handsome
O Outrageous
M Mesmerizing
A Appealing
S Serious
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

I'd like to meet:

New friends... old friends...


yes...The BEERMAN!!! Good ol' Brian Houser... If you don't know who he is, you gotta see him play sometime up in Denton!!!"What's up with that?!?" "Did someone say Johnny Cash?!? Let's drink a beer!!!" "An airplane don't fly without any fuel!!!"


Ones that sound good in digital surround sound!!!


Discovery Channel, Speed Channel, BBCAmerica, Adult Swim...


I do read books on occasion... It's called grad school.


Batman... I want the Batmobile!!!

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

My Blog

Denton Friday Night, May 9th...

Friday night in Denton...  I'll be up there doing a little celebrating after graduation...  You are all invited to come! Masters Commencement Ceremony, 4pm
Posted by Tom "Slick " on Sun, 04 May 2008 03:13:00 PST

Wow, what a year is has been...

It has been one hell of a year. Change has been the one constant... Merry Christmas, everyone! and Happy New Year!   Best regards, Tom "Slick"
Posted by Tom "Slick " on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:13:00 PST