Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) profile picture

Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID)

I am here for Friends

About Me

Disclaimer:A way I express myself is through blog writings the downside i write about anyone and everyone is fair game. This does not mean I careless about them. I am just highly upset at that particular moment.Check out my music myspace: www.myspace.com/muckyglassonion
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White Ranger
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My Blog

Last 4/20 i got suspended this 4/20 i won an award

what will happen next 4/20????  OK The Youth In Government confrence was something else. I learned a lot of things out of this experiance. First thing the private school run the show and the publ...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:41:00 PST

This is what happens when you dont go on the bulldog walk.

dirty turbon .."     Dirty turbon 2 .." ...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST

Whos Pissing Me off now: A teacher!!!

Mrs. Takayama is pissing me off now with her incorrect and inaccurate  propaganda message.  Today in class, for those of you that don’t have her, she started to talk about the bulldog ...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:10:00 PST

video for contemporary issues: war on the middle class

.." target="_self">workin class herotell me what you think about it k.   ...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

I got a ticket to ride...

to bentwood that is.  Another day and boy was it boring. The GFS store is right beside coscos and so they get no business so i dont know really what kind of so called trainning we are doing. ...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 07:22:00 PST

there’s a nick briley everywhere

you know when people say you have a twin. Well i think it's true. Today i went to cool springs (for job training) and there was this guy named Brad Gorden. and let's just say he could give Nick a...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:39:00 PST

project i made for engish

Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:59:00 PST

yes we can!

" target="_self">m It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.Yes we can.It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail to...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 04:44:00 PST

Shouldnt we be promoting faithfulness and loyalty to ones partner regardless of sexual orient

Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:26:00 PST

who's bad. 4/20 flash back

Found this while cleaning out my room. The reason I put this up here was to show the lucky few what a suspention paper looks like even though this happened almost a year ago. I still get a little mad...
Posted by Why dont we do it in the road (WE DID) on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:55:00 PST