Myspace Layouts
run from something makes u stronger quote
"ThErE iS So MucH BehiNd Dis SmiLE! MoRe DeN OnE wiLL EvEr UNdeRsTanD... anD mY InTenSiOnS ArE 2 KeEp iT DaT WaY-NoT CuZ i GoT sHit 2 HiDe, BuT b/C FeW arE wOrThy Of KnoWinG"
a target="_BLANK"MuSiC iS My LiFe; Esp. My I-PoD!!!! All that good ish- all RegGae! ReGgAeTon! R & b (especially when im in my sad i feel like being down mood), Hip-hoP (love eminem n jada (my baby got me loving naz even more) and much respect to tupac,biggie etc...etc...), MeReNgUe, SalsA, Rap, BANDS like: FaLLoUt BoyS, aLl AmEriCaN ReJeCTs,GoOd ChaRLotTe, GrEeNDay, SuM 41, LiNcOlN PaRk, mY cHeMiCal RoManCe, EvanEsCenCe etc... rock, slow jams,freestyle, that crazy sh*t u juz feel in ya body, and that down south sh*t is starting to grow on me more, lol PreTTy mUch EvEryThiNg!
MUSICA-- LOVE REGGAE (esp Old ScHooL)! Hip-Hop, R&B, RaP (JaDA-eMiNem-Nas~ThanKs 2 My BabY-tUpaC), SLow JamS, ReGgAeTon, EMo (paNic at da DisCo, All AMeriCan RejEcts, My CheMicAL RomAnce, GrEen DaY, NickElBAck, FALlOut Boy, etc..., SomE RoCk, Old FreEstyLe, OldiEs, PrEttY MuCh EVERYTHING... n I LOVE My i-Pod!LetZ Juz Say I nEarLy PisSed MY PaNts & KnocKeD The PpL InfRont Of Me WatChiNg FOURTY YEAR OLD VIRGIN! ThAT sHiT WaS hIlariOus. No JoKe... but some others are- legends of the fall, NEWSIES, Carlito's Way, the brothers, armaggedon, crash, ReMEmber thE TiTanS, BlaCK mAgic, The First wives club, (GOD FATHER movies thanks to my DAddY) south park movie, mighty ducks movies (lol), the classic SHiRLeY TeMpLe MoViEs!!!! some oldies, & pretty much everything that has bruce willis, denzel washington, or sandra bullock =)
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MySpace Layouts
Free Myspace Graphics God, mY PaRents & MaMa.. The U.S army, navy, coast guards, airforce & everyone fighting on behalf of us (they dont get nearly enough credit or respect)!! and anyone else who has been through extreme hardships & struggles but is still standing tall!