The *BLUE FLAMINGO BIG BAND* is one the brightest groups to emerge out of London in a long time. Made up of the capital's hottest young jazzers, these musicians have played all over the world, dazzling everyone in their path....
But London is their home, and they have graced the famous jazz venues of The Bull's Head Barnes, 100 Club Oxford Street, The Royal Albert Hall, The 606 Club, Regent's Park Bandstand (!), at Soho's top nightclubs as well as national venues such as The Edinburgh Fringe and the Symphony Hall, Birmingham.
With a sound that which smashes together Glenn Miller's vibrato, Count Basie's brass section, Gordon Goodwin's rhythm and E.S.T.'s energy...The Blue Flamingo Big Band will get any event up and dancing...a fantastic night all round we say!
To CONTACT The Blue Flamingo Big Band call Leah, on 07917 164 925, or email her at
[email protected]. She'd love to hear from you. She mothers the band a bit, so her smiley nature will probably mean she'll offer you a cup of tea!
Let's face it, we love all that jazz....
To get in touch with the card below for details!
Steve Burnett is currently studying for his Post-Graduate Diploma at the Royal College of Music. Having worked with esteemed musicians such as Vladimir Ashkenazy, Bernard Haitink and John Harle, his vast experience has taken him to all corners of the musical world and he is frequently seen performing on some of Europe’s best known stages. He has performed in Buckingham Palace at the request of Princess Anne, played in the recent BAFTA Award winning Channel 4 drama Britz and holds the position of bassoonist (doubling on clarinets and saxes) with the legendary Scarborough Spa Orchestra. He coaches and leads the Blue Flamingo Big Band (playing alto sax) and brings humour to all situations. But most importantly... he always pays for Leah’s coffee.
Leah Thomas has recently completed her Master’s Degree in Music at King’s College London. She is at the forefront of research and commentary on the contemporary British jazz scene, and has run big bands for the past four years, taking them on tours to Holland (performing as part of the prestigious North Sea Jazz Festival), Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Portugal. As a half-German tenor saxophonist, Leah is fiendishly organised, doing everything with a smile and a cup of coffee in hand. She will ensure that the entertainment runs super-smoothly for your event whilst also being heard grooving through tenor sax parts!
All the beautiful photographs on these pages is taken by our official photographer, David Charlwood: Please mention our name if you are in touch with him!