This site supports the First Amendment Right of the United States Constitution,which protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government or judicial interference. This includes freedom of expression and the right of freedom of speech. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without judicial interference or constraint by the government.If you are a government official or someone representing a judicial court you have no right to obtain any information which would subsiquently try to incriminate me in any way shape or form, you are in violation of the first amendment. This right says i have the right to VIEW and or SAY whatever the fuck i want so if you dont like it click the little red x at the top right corner of the screen,exit my site now and go fuck yourself silly!
 About me... what a good ?. words of wisdom from the streetfighterz stl. We believe you should always stay true to yourself, life is short and full of very few opportunities to do something special. We all have a few gifts, some more natural than others, and when those gifts can give inspiration and joy to thousands, we believe you have a responsibility to do that. Sometimes the road gets tuff, but that's what make you/us special. Believe in who you are, be Passionate about who you are, take Pride what you CAN do, be Responsible for the inspiration you give others, never quit at what you do, it will only leave a void of unhappiness in your life, things will fade in due time, but until they do, live for the moment with no regrets and never let outside influences deem your future.