my names aim for this "about me" bit is not to sound like every other generic fucker on myspace. i like drink i like music i love my freinds blah blah, everyone likes drink music and freinds. so lets get down to the really interesting stuff ye? the stuff you really wanna know about me.i am a straight forward person and if i ever become as complicated as these american wannabes who have all these stupid social dilemmas then please tell me. theres no such thing, its all BOLLOCKS everyone on myspace has a good life, u have a roof over your heads and your using the internet are u not?if ur homeless and youve properly been screwed over financially and you used to be good lookin before u hit the streets and u smell a bit funky and uve used the bit of spare change u had left over from this mornings session of begging to go into an internet cafe to read this. then you are a man worth shaking hands with, because you are the ones angered by people complaining to have life as bad as you.i say things how they are and im compassionate at the same time. i fight fairly, i treat people very well and ive got a lot of love to give in my life. all i want in life is to be able to live comfortably, i dont want fame or big houses or a huge bank balance, as long as ive got enough to eat sleep and raise a family in a few years time then il be happy. its the extremes in life that people hate ye? people who are insanely rich just wanna get richer and they have too much to loose, when uve got nothing to loose you wish you have stuff to waste and look forward to too much, im 6ft 2 i think :S and i weigh nearly 17 stone, im happy with it too.therem is one generic thing i will say though, cz it needs to be said, she deserves it. i have an amazing woman on my side, danielle seems to know exactly how to make me smile. i love our cuddles and holding hands with her as we walk. i love how she looks after me when my pathetic tolerance to alchohol takes its toll. she is one of them rare women who dont have this bitchy girl attitude, shes one of the lads and at the same time a beatuful example of feminine strength, tall and pretty to boot!. i love you so much baby :)wanna know more?neither do i :P [email protected] if u do.
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