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slick rick

I am here for Networking

About Me

Im a two bit hard sellin band scout out of georgia. I've worked for all the major hard ball record labels from here to timbuktu. Sony, Universal, Warner, Island, EMI, BMG you fuckin name it and chances are i've been in bed with them. Hell I took a shit a couple years ago and out came Epitaph records. Now im kind of just on my own finding bands gettin em big and then blowin the lid of the music industry and making those record label bastards come knockin down my door for my bands. I guess you could say im a one man temporary record label. I like to call myself though a private contracting band scout. certified through the school of hard knocks.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

bands that dont know shit about the music industry or the real world for that matter, and need grandpa ricky to wipe their asses with the money im going to make off of them.