I'd like to meet:
Thys is Jesse.Thee first love..my best friend && my other half mayne.Ive known hym helluh long 060905..He ihs a B A D T H E E - D A D D I I E...LOL.We been on && off for almost4 years.We have been thru so much good && bad over thee years.SO many memories && life lessons have kame for our relationship.We have dried eachothers eyes.made eachother smile.akted hella gOofy.sat outside under thee stars.broke eachothers hearts.fought && made up a milliOn tymes..although we argue&&fite sumtymes we still goht love for eachother..We decided no matter waht miskakes we make or differnt paths we take we gona be best friends && we gonna continue to stick by eachotha..He ihs hella funny buht at thee same tyme he doesnt mess around wen iht komes down to something serious.SO yup dont F*ck wit em'...Love yew bunches Mahn!!!
This is my nephew Legynd.He is so precious..He is 16 months.He kan barely tawk buht he always listens.I never have to worry bout him judjing me or losing hys LOVE for me.He ihs so playful && full of energy ...just like me.lol
He is so cute i just wana pinch hys little cheeks! Buht yup he ihs Aunties Favorite!! love hym to death!
These my lil badthee mamas....haha my play lil sisters Lupita[15] && Paige[18].I met both of them in thee past two years at Valley High..&& we have become hella klose..like fa real they sum true ride or die females.I go to Lupita && she kan always make me smile with her comments & giggles..she a lil puerto rican/mexican cheerleader wit sum major gigs like she goht more rythym then me sometimes...Paige is just krazy && fiesty..i go to her && she help me open up..leht it out then just act krazy along with her..dont leht her small frame fool yew she will either geht off on yew or go baad makin yew feel real dumb.hahaha...Love yew two .always here for both yew guys
Thys is Antionette.Mahn basikally we have been thru so much stuff ihts not even funny...like we have almost fought..seen eachother cry...&& so much more...We are Step cousins && despite all we have been thru we recently puht our differences aside && became so much closer.She has helped me attain thys I needs no N*gga attitude...buht she also reminds meeh where my heart ihs..lol...We both deal with a pair of people who we love buht at tymes we hate..we tawk bout dem just like they tawk bout us....Buht yup dont kare waht people say i love thys chick && yuh goht something to say bout iht ask yourself if yuh had my back emotionally && physically in thee past...
These are my boys Twany && DanDan.Twany tries to act like a "HARDCORE THUG" but on thee inside he is a sensitive church boy trying tmake iht.DanDan is a cutie who lives up thee street from me && will come tawk to me anytime i need to.They are so sweet they have helped thru alot recently && i wanna thank them for that.Anytime i text or call either one of them i kno they will reply or answer..They have both had their share of relationship problems && their advice has helped me thru mine.They both have seen && heard my sensitive side;they both made me kry LOL.But yea they understand me;i understand them && they wont leht me settle for less than i deserve.Love u guys!!