Welcome! I don't really use this thing.
Currently, I'm in college. I go to the University of Michigan - Flint. I love it there. I'm studying Computer Information Systems, while minoring in Computer Science and Marketing. I'm almost done.
Despite being in college, I work full-time at a company called Organic as an Interface Engineer. I enjoy it. I also do free-lance web design and I'm working ..ing my company Identity By Design. More to come on that.
I enjoy music. I've always been the kid in a band. Music has been my life since I was 13. However, I'm currently not in a band and I am definitely interested in starting one. I'm still coping with the breakup of Versa . I've been writing music by myself and with friends in these two projects: They Call Me Norm and Plex .
I also love my friends. They mean the world to me. They know who they are. I hate being so busy that I don't get to see some of them very much, but we all still have love.
I'm pretty sweet but I probably wont talk to you if you send me a message or ask to be my friend and I don't know you. Alright sweet.