Do I really need an introduction? I'm the 1 and only Loki Rourke! Ya may have seen my sexxy self out and about with my handsome Poppa Mickey, ya know Mickey Rourke. I'm an A list jet setting kinda gal who loves the finer things life has to offer. I'll never leave my Poppa cuz he is so good to me, so all you randy dogs out there need not apply.
I'm all for helping my 4 legged brothers and sista's in the human kingdom. What's that mean? Join my page and we can all network together to stop animal cruelty, and help find those misplaced and forgotten souls who reside in shelters, rescue groups, and those wretched puppy mills, a lap to lay in. At the end of the day the only things we furbabies want is a cozy home, a full belly, lotsa toys and plenty of love.
Miss Loki