hillel profile picture


ReALitY iS haPPeninG SO pay AttenTION

About Me

I could Write a Few Chapters in the Book Of My SO caLLED life...but if UR supposed to Know ABouT ME then IT will HaPPeN!!!

My Interests

PhArmACY, BBall, ExCerSIZE, EnTrePreneuraL StrAtegies, AutOmoBiles

I'd like to meet:

OF COurse God.....Earthly....MIcheAL JOrdAN, Sean JoHN, DaMOn DasH, ColIN POwelL, DonaLD TrumP, ChriS RoCk....Lady HaLLe BeRRy, OprAH, SalMA Hayek, AishWAya RAi


3Rs...ReGGae, Rap, RnB


Belly, Cruel Intentions, Pulp Fiction, Matrix Trilogy, SpY GameS, Spanglish


SpoRtSCentER, CNN, WeeDS, L Word, SoPRanoS


MaGaZInEs: MotOr TreND, Men's FitnESS, PharMAcy TOdaY


PaREnts FOr BeiNg DeteRminED and DedIcateD to AllOwinG me To Be A cItIzeN of THe MosT poWErfuL NaTion In the WOrlD