Aida profile picture


Guess who got Season Tickets for the HOYAS?!?!?!

About Me

I love life!!!!!Ready to go back to Georgetown University which btw is in the nation's capital and not the wonderful state of Washington. Learning more about myself and life as time passes. Finding the answers to our plagued world and hoping to serve my purpose in this life. Mother to one of america's next future genious ms. geiger. Yeah I will speak of her forever because she is my inspiration and one of the few people who impresses me daily.

My Interests

Baseball, M.E.Ch.A, Education, Social Justice, Mexicans, Teach for America, Mexico, Latin America, HISTORY, and anything or anyone who is an idealist.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can enlighten me.


Coldplay, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Laura Pausini, O-Zone, La Oreja de van goh, bachata, progressive, and anything from the Chi.


The one and only Home Alone (the first and second movies only).


Grey's Anatomy, House, and all the series in Spain.


Some from this year Malcolm X, Candide, Night, J.S. Mill, stuff from Juan Rulfo, and The Bread Givers.


Deztinee Geiger because she always manages to impress me everyday of my life.

My Blog

Grown Up Plans

Wow so I officially submitted my Teach For America application on Sept 21, 2007 at exactly 4:37pm. TFA has been my next goal after getting into Gtown. I cannot believe the time has come to start think...
Posted by Aida on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:16:00 PST


Well I figure I give this a try since I have the urge to write down my emotions and struggles as a college student, woman, and mother. I have reached a point in my life in which my education is indeed...
Posted by Aida on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:45:00 PST