.::Kori Lee::. profile picture

.::Kori Lee::.

I am here for Friends

About Me

~*TakE TOo MAnY PicTureS, LauGh TOo MUch, anD loVE lIKe YOu'Ve NeVEr BeeN HUrT, BecAUse EverY 60 SeCONds YoU SPEnd UpSEt Is a MinUte Of HAppINesS YOu'll NEveR GeT BacK*~

**^*all i want is a fairy tale ending*^** ~*So I have this AmAZinG boyfriend named Jake! hes basically the total package, he's smart funny sexy and sweet, and I love him SoOoOo SoOoOo much!!*~ :D

Massive Myspace Layouts collection from Pyzam.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

?*When you finally find the guy you ReAlLy wanna be with make sure he is someone who ReSpEcTs you and treats you WeLl, someone who makes your HeArT rAcE and you LoVe him for who he Is and not for what he DoEs....use your HeAd and follow your HeArT*? -One Tree HillGet Your Own! | View Slideshow..
From Crackle: chinabsb

My Blog

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