In the early winter of 2008 two boys Alix Rasher and Nathan Muncer had a crazy idea of starting a band. The two boys grew up together listening to the same cassette tapes and cd's and they wanted to one day be famous (but what kid dosn't). Alix took vocal and guitar lessons where Nathan took drumming lessons and they both took band in High-school. They knew if they were going to start a band they were going to have to recruit some more people to become official. Nathan asked his friend Devin Henderson ( of Fingerfile) if he could give him a list of people interested in starting a band, so in the early spring he did. The list consisted of 15 possible canidates who played guitar/bass/keys and had "good" vocals. So they contacted all 15 and planned tryouts. At the tryouts only nine showed up, one being Devins little sister Marissa Henderson. With Marissa's bubbly personality and amazing ability to play guitar she automatically gained a spot as their lead-guitarist. The band still didnt have enough people so Alix asked his friend Seth Rivers if he could play bass in the band. (Alix and Seth are in jazz band together, so he knew he could play bass). Seth willingly joined, and the band consisted of a vocalist/rythem guitarist, a drummer, a bass, and a lead-guitar. They had a practice on spring Tuesday and decided they wanted a keyboard player. Seth knew his friend Ivy knew how to read music, and play piano, and had a keyboard, so we tried Ivy out and she just was amazing. Ivy didn't really want to be in a band-at the Nathan and Marissa got on their knees and begged her...then they put all the money they had in their pockets together (which was a whole 75 cents) and "donated" it to the "Ivy play in band" fund. Ivy accepted the money and joined the band. Since then, the band has practiced every Tuesday (Taco Tuesdays) and also every Sunday. They came up with the name "Watch Me Run" as the bands official name because they just wanted it that way. The band has recorded three songs, but have written a total of five songs. It was hard coming up with a typical style of music they wanted to be, so they had to combine all the music genres they all listened to, and make one big kickass sound. Even though Watch Me Run has made good progress in such short time, they are still a baby band. But the things they play are real- not all about the fame, guy-liner, tight jeans, or huge crowd of stupid girls and guys who thing they are all hardcore. Watch Me Run is a band who dosn't want to be liked by everyone, they aim to be liked for what they do, and what they play. Everyone in the band has a strong opinion about the music scene these days, so they're pretty much set on not changing just to be liked. Watch Me Run is just a group of crazy and immature teenagers who dont give a shit about what the music industry thinks. And if you have a problem with what we stand for then go listen to Boys Like Girls or something, because (they are really HARDCORE!!!!)HAHAHA
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