LUSITEK it’s a recent created management and booking agency of national and international DJ’s in the electronic music area. The main strategy of the project is to develop management activities and support DJing careers, contributing to the constant growth of its artists.
Management The management activity deals with different issues: - Representation of the artist; - Planning and management of events; - Creation of promotional images; - Intervention management plans; - Optimized organization of resources; - Development of actions next to the events promoters; - Promotion campaigns and spreading in the diverse medias
Booking In partnership with some DJs agencies, LUSITEK makes available a large list of national and international Djs to be hired by events promoters, clubs, bars, discos and other specific events in national and international territory. The Booking service can be presented of a global form, including the full production of the event with intended artists.
If you're interested in a particular artist and wish to discuss the details of a booking, please contact us to following contacts: Lusitek contacts: Booking: [email protected] MSN: [email protected] Phone: +351.92.6158888 Myspace URL: Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!
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