Rosbie profile picture


Imitation is a crime, but beauty has a price FASHIONISTA SOUND TRACK

About Me

aBOUT (R)(O)(S)(B)(i)(E)....A cARiNG, cHiLDLiKe, oPEN miNDEd, cRY bABy & biT sOBEr,vERSATiLE(in a sence that I can be a clown, a Tcher,a dancer,a singer, an actress,matilda, could be ur yAya,brother,aTe and FRiEND at all times.. ~IM REaL~ "BEING TRUE TO MY SELF" "dnt hv 2 pretnd jus 2 please nybODy".... don't have 2 B an aNGEL to caught one's attention. HERE'S MORE...If sUM1 doesnt lyk ME, ok then DON'T!. have no choice but to open up more my doors 4 U instead of closing it.. ~coffee addict~70% Gaaru (gUrLy),~11%hOyden~ 5%mawkish~ 4% men'you (wEird)~4%kibun'ya (moOdy type of person)~2% naUGhty~2%luKRita and 2%paSAway...hahah * *shoe size 9 ** ~hAve an aTTitude and i knOw how to uSe & when to use iT~If soMeOne evA eVEr attEMpts tO hurT aNy of My fRiENDs bettER stAy aWAY, coz I wiLL bE tHe oNe to bE yoUr enemY guys..grrr!! so baCk oFF!!or eLSe am gONna k!Ck ur bu**!!sorry~I am Blessed with muchos amigos&amigas as well as good Familia~the REST about ME? Its up for u to find out...... //BiE's HATES//~pRi MADONNA~bACKSTABBEr ~sT0RY-mAKER~ ~BITCH!!(pwee) and USERz(outch!) Ive already encountered those people w/ that kind of attitude and well I just embrace the mainstream. c'mon it's their kalasangan anyways and not mine..ayt??bwahaha=) end. //BiE's LOVES// ~#23, 08, 09 & 28~ ~loves modeling~ KIDS but not for me ~Above all to have more friends IT COULD BE YOU! YES YOU...

My Interests

acting, modeling, playing drums as well as taekwondo, singing and eating????nah. . =)

I'd like to meet:

YoU GuYz.. All fashionista's.. but ei FAKER'Z R NOT INCLUDED & WELCUM IN MAH ACCOUNT


techno, RnB , altenatives and urban misic


who am I, pretty in pink, a walk to remember,the ring and harry potter




anybooks will do but for sPCfc..advertising books and development communication


my grandmother.. my parents.. my self.. lol =)