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Living like a king is harder than you could possibly imagine.

About Me

Look at my page and you'll see exactly who I am. I am a man of the people. I do want a bathroom that I can play baseball in and I am working on that. Just kidding, I am an everyday guy. Who are you?

My Interests

I like working Monday through Friday 8-5. I really do love it. Yes it would be great to have millions and travel the world but I can't. In light of that, I enjoy the work that I do. I get satisfaction out of a job well done. Strip clubs, beer, and culinary excellence aren't bad either.

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Josh Bishop
















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I have traveled the musical spectrum pretty extensively and have found one thing. There are songs at certain times that make me say "that shit rocks". In the past I really liked local only music but recently I find that I don't have a lot of time to listen to mucic so if it doesn't ring a bell when I hear it I probably will skip right past it. Traditionally, I have been through the rap, metal, punk, etc. phases but now I kind of prefer whatever makes me want to play air guitar at the time. If it rocks when I hear it, then I think it jams and there is nothing that I can do about it.


I kind of like 80's movies best. Some of the newer big budget movies impress me but I usually think they are trying too hard to make a big money maker. Also, they are trying to do more 80's style movies recently (i.e. Bachelor Party Vegas) and I like a lot of them but they aren't the same. I have enjoyed some of the conspiracy type of movies like Catch me if you Can. Basically, it has to hold my interest.


I like Flip this House, Inked, Cheaters, Miami Ink, etc. I liked Meet the Barkers. I flip the news daily (CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, etc.) to see what is going on. Unfortunately, it is usually middle east crap and I am so sick of Muslim terrorists that want the world to practice their religion. Other than that if the girls aren't hot I turn the T.V. off because I am getting to the point where I hate T.V.


There are some books I want to read especially one that I read a review on recently. The author is a guy born and raised in the Bronx who was born into absolute poverty and worked his way through the NYPD ranks. He became the top detective at NYPD and retired. After retirement he was offered the head position for Homeland Security from George W. Bush. He declined because of some tax/immigration issue with a mexican maid but it looks really interesting. The truth is I have seen many books that I am interested in reading but I am more apt to write a book than read a book. I just don't have time to read for leisure, nor do I really want to. I do read a lot of books relating to IT work (i.e. Windows Server 2003, Fedora Core 4, ASP, .NET, Cisco Networking, Wireless Network Security, C++ programming, etc). I just don't do a lot of leisure reading. That is not really fun to me. If I am going to commit myself to read a book I am going to further my career by doing so. I kind of think reading for fun is a waste of time (like watching T.V.).


My mother and father (of course). Everyone says that but I believe it. I don't really have any personal heroes but I want to be a Hero to my kids.I'm not sure what a hero is! Sure, the wealthy, exotic lifestyle would entail very little stress, however, my situation does not include that. Real heroes like fireman, have never had an impact on my life but I do have some cool stories. If you can handle it, ask me and I might tell you about them some day. I am full throttle.