TigerShark is here to join in your Summer FUN!
Yes, it's beach weather again here in Surf City!!! We're workin' on Pipeline & Wipeout & other Classic Surf riffs & will soon add a track that's a medley of Surf Music. (Hendrix was wrong heh)
Working on our first cd which will be done ASAP! Hopefully this year (2009) if all goes well...
Songs will be added as we go....
2 more songs will be up real soon...E Tenebris In Lucem Voco & One In A MillionDavid Coverdale once posted on his site this mysterious Latin phrase--which was nicely explained by the lovely & intelligent Pina aka Storm thusly:E Tenebris In Lucem Voco means "From the depths of Darkness I cry calling to the LIGHT"Yes, I'm crying out to the SOURCE of the LIGHT & hopin' to get some new friends to replace my ol' friend Steve Newman who has contributed a lot to this project but has other priorities now.
Contact me if you are a FABULOUS guitarist &.or keyboard player & live in SoCal or wanna relocate here & BOOGIE with me!!! Also need a ProTools genius.Cheers,
~Tiger SharkThe secret is out~ Terr is Tiger! This "Trio" is a Duo!!The CAT's outa the bag! Ha ha haaaaa
Layout Stealer by MyspaceLayoutSpy.com.
Tiger Shark just got himself a sleek '94 CORVETTE! Fast As A Shark!
...& a gorgeous '83 ZEMAITIS ax! A masterpiece by Tony Zemaitis RIP