Shannon Rose profile picture

Shannon Rose

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a single mom of a 4 year old child as seen in my pics. She is cute and the most important person in my life. My next important thing is school. I am currently enrolled at Springfield Technical Community College. My major is business management. I like school and im good at it. Im a total nerd well in the mild since of the word. I dont play D&D or Magic well not anymore. I am into gaming and anime and things other nerds are into. I totally love movies horror being my fave. So If you wanna stop by and maybe chat or something thats kool.
Sexy Beauty! I don't know why but every move you do
looks so sexy. You like that but you don't
pay a lot attention on looking sexy, you just
are it, enough said.
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla
~Inoccent Angel~
You have been untouched by reality. Greed, cruelty,
hate.. all those things you have not let them
effect you. You are fun loving, happy, easy
going and out going. You bring happiness
everywhere around you.
Never let reality get in the way, always make
your own way.
"" Strength is what I have, strength
to believe, strength to trust, strength to go
on through reality"
What is the angel form of your spirit?
brought to you by QuizillaI created my profile with Myspace Layouts+
Hosted by Sparkle TagsCurrently I am playing an MMORPG called Silkroad Online. I play in the Olympus server and my character name is thecuteness. I 3 Silkroad.

My Interests

I enjoy video-games, anime, cosplay, horror flicks and more recently comic books. My all time favorite anime is Evangelion, I also like Full Metal Alchemist, Samuri Champaloo, Chobits, and Naruto (Belive it). I like all sorts of anime which leads me to cosplay. For those who read this and dont know what that is it's when you totally dork it out and dress up like your favorite anime charactor and go to conventions and meet up with other nerds. I havent been to a convention yet but i am planning on going to Conneticon this year. People I know have been and I am totally jeliouse.I like video-games even tho my collection is totally out of date (being broke is no fun). I enjoy RPG and MMORPGs. I did play FFXI for a while and totally waisted my life for months but it was fun. GO Taru Taru :/DANCE.Well thats what interests me if you like the same get back.Even More About Me!!!!!!!
Name Shannon Rose
Nickname Shannon
Location Springfield
Sex Female
Birthday January 18th
Sign Capricorn
Righty or Lefty? Right
Screenname shannonrose86
Height 6'1"
Shoe size 9
Hair Color Brown (But its red right now)
Eye Color Brown
Braces? Never (my teeth are and will remain perfect)
Piercings? Ears
Where do you shop? Where ever there is a good sale
What do you usually wear? Jeans and a shirt
What kind of shows do you wear? Huh?
Do your wear make-up everyday? Almost
How many pairs of shoes do u own? Alot dam near 50 (used to have much more)
Favorite kind of music? Rock mainly but i love all types
Least favorite? pop
Last CD you bought? i never "buy" my music
Whats in your CD player right now? I don't know havent turned on the old discman in forever
Where is you favorite place to be? Home with a good flick and being held
Whats your favorite animal? Cats.... I like there independence
Favorite food? Fettucini Alfredo
Favorite day of the year? My birthday (it should be a national holiday
Favorite candy? Push Pops
Are you a virgin? NO
What time do you go to sleep? Whenever everthing is done that needs doing
Do you have any pets? Yes, 2 cats, 2birds, and the fish that will not die
Do you have any bad habits? Smoking, Nail biting, and talking too much
Can you sing? Yup, I love karaoki. Never said I was any good.
Is there anything you regret? NO
Do you think life has been good so far? Nope but it will get better
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes when my kid jumps into bed with me
Are you/Have you been in love? Yes
Have you ever talked on the phone all night? Yea
Did you ever have a dream come true? Not yet but im working on it
Do you believe in Santa/Easter bunny? No, but my kid does
Do you believe in Love at first sight? No because im more into the mind of someone than there appearence
Who knows the most about you? Me
Are you loud? Yes
Do you often embarass yourself? All the time
Do you hag out wit ppl who embarass themselves or you? Yea
Have you ever said 'I Love You' and meant it? Yes all the time
Future Daughters name? Katherin (current daughters name Sophia)
Future Sons name? xavier
Do you have siblings? yes 3 sisters
Do you consider love a mistake? NO
What do you find to be romantic? Cuddling and snuggeling
What do you look for in a girl/guy? Personality
Best physical feature? None in perticular
Best hair color? N/A
Best eye color? N/A
Best height? Tall (ok maybe not)
Best personality feature? Humorus
Do you get jealous easily? Sometimes but usually not
Whats a turn-on? Cuddles
Whats a turn-off? Bad Breath
What is the worst thing about the opp. sex? Men are usually perverted
Are you shallow? Sometimes but only when it comes to myself. I exspect alot from myself
*FOR GIRLS* Does the size "below" matter? Yep 4" wouldnt ever please me
Would u ever commit yourself 100% to some1? Yess
Would you ever use someone? Nope
Have you ever got cheated on Yea unfortunitly


I'd like to meet:

I'm looking for some new friends. The old ones kinda suck J/K. But I am looking for people who like Movies, anime, cosplay, video games, comic books and just totally wanna dork out. :P


I prefer rock, techno,and just about everything else.


HORROR is my fave. But I love all movies.


Not much time for it but I love movies. Most nights I stay up late watching all types of movies and anime.


Theres nothing like getting into a good text book. LOL reading isnt one of my favorite things. But of course I read everyday, maybe someday I'll learn how to enjoy it.