I want to get my licencens and a car so I can get the hell out of Canyon Lake!
Animated Characters.
I love good musicals! My favorite is Moulin Rouge!
Dont like it much but bored in BumFucked Canyon Lake and there is nothing else to do.. When I do watch its Desperate Housewives, Full Metal Alchemist, Family Guy, The Boondocks, Thats 70s Show, Mad TV, National Geographic, and Discovery Channel.....damn, I'm a really boring person
MAD books are wonderful, Harry Potter(of course), any good mystery books, I'm getting in to manga, anything that seems good....But someday I am going to build a time machine and go back in time and kick Henry David Therea in the face!
Eric Carlock A.K.A. Joey Barker. R.I.P. we miss and love you