About Me
A Message from Mike “Bandit†–
Hey guys, I am a 15 year old on a mission, my mission is to take the world by storm with my new line of clothes for young and old. I came up with the idea of creating t-shirts a while back with my mom and after seeing so many other designers come out, I decided that it was my time. I got my “Bandit†name from my mom, when I was younger I would always sneak cookies and treats before dinner and she started calling me her little “Bandit†and well..the name stuck, and now I want to see it on everyone…LOL I plan on doing this the old school style, selling shirts out of the back of our car, hitting flea markets, and handing them out to friends and family, I just want to get the word out. My mom is my partner, I coulen't think of a better person to partner with she and I are really close, we do a whole lot together, shoot my mom even used to ride BMX bikes with me and still does on occasion. A big part of my mission is to give back, so we will be donating money to different charities, there are two very important to me one is research on Dementia, which is something my great-grandmother suffers from and Breast Cancer which my great-grandmother and grandmother are survivors of. I also want to give to kid less fortunate than myself, so I plan on taking shirts and money to various agencies to give out to kids, they need to be fitted to right..LOL, also after my business takes off i want to start a foundation called the stealing the stars foundation which will help other kids like me start there own business's the details are a bit fuzzy now but i will give people updates. I have had a pretty good life and I think it would be awesome to give back. So please stay tuned for more to come…this is in the dinosaur steps, but moving along slowly. If you would like to give me any advice on how to make my brand a success please don’t hesitate to drop me a message, if your interested in seeing some of the shirts my mom and I have created let me know..we don’t want to put to much up yet….all I am saying is STAY TUNED!!! Now my mom wants to say a few words
A message from Charlee Rockit – Hey there, so I am sure some of you have seen me before, I have been on MySpace for a while now, but I think this will be my favorite page. I am the mother of the mastermind behind all this, I am so proud of him. He really wants to make it happen and has big ideas and plans for this line. The idea behind the two names is Charlee Rockit is a little more on the feminine side and Mike “Bandit†is more masculine but there will definitely be uni sex shirts. We have about 6 shirts designed and 3 hats and 2 hoodies so far, they should be on the site real soon. Please add him as a friend, I am more of a behind the scenes player, Mike is the one taking this by the horns and running with it. Like he said STAY TUNED…MORE TO COME!!!!Mike “Bandit†and ~~Charlee Rockit *A Mother and Son Collaboration*