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I am here for Friends

About Me

Let's just say, I'm not that good at life. BUT I am good at reading comprehension. So that totally evens out. It has not been two years since I've lost a set of keys. The other day I thought I locked my keys in the house. Sooo, I kicked the door in. Turned out they were on my truck. This situation kinda loops back to my being not that good at life, but I am good at kicking the shit out of doors. About a week later I lost the key to the motorcyle. Trashed the apt looking for it, a day later if fell out of my pants in a public restroom. I still don't know how or why. Probably the most important things anyone needs to know about me is that I have a shitty sense of humor, I overanalyze situations, I won't get close to you, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm a bad person. That'd be a hell of a self-realization. Meditating for years only to finally come to the conclusion that you're an asshole and no one likes you. Oddly the more I think about that the funnier it gets. Like this eastern looking dude wearing some satin robes is sitting all indian style and what not, getting his meditation on, when suddenly he gets it. Then his face all like screws up and he just kinda whisper/exhales "sonofabitch". lmfao! Crazy monks and their shitty attitudes and swearing! .. .badge { position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 1px;

My Interests

I am interested in a lot of things. To be honest I'm a pretty curious guy and like to know stuff. I bought some space heaters last winter and then spent a good four hours looking at other space heaters. Plus I looked at all the recommendations of people who had my space heater. Overall, I think I got a pretty good deal. They're ceramic which means they're safe mostly; which is a big deal because I have a cat. She's fairly graceful as cats go. I'd give her a 7 on a scale of one to ten in which "one" is a cat with some debilitating neuro-muscular disease and "ten" is the most graceful cat ever. And by that I mean me when I dressed as a cat for Halloween when I was 16.

I'd like to meet:

Someone I know, or used to know. Someone who enjoyed 'my'space. Anyone really. I don't even care that much. Girls that wear blue? That seems like a good one to me. Any shade of blue, doesn't matter. I hadn't really had a real favorite color until a few years ago I think. I kinda liked blue, kinda liked yellow, but at some point I really really started liking blue. Just looking at it pleases me. I feel bad for yellow though. I just don't know that many people who's favorite color is yellow. Now I'm a little curious if everyone has had some affinity for a certain color since they were small children and I've been missing out until recently. It always seemed pointless to have a favorite color when I was younger. I had favorite colors for things, but not in general. Hair-blonde, eyes-blue, stuff like that. I think now I understand though. I'm hoping it's somehting you develop as an adult and it's just been carried over to children though. I'd hate to think I'd spent years as an underdeveloped non-color-favoring kid who just didn't understand, having to fake a color when all the other children had a total grasp on their love of a certain color.


I listen to alot of stuff. I do not want to listen to 'Hotel California' ever again. Or Macy Gray. And one time a homeless gentleman weaved me a tale of disastrous future events by reciting a mixture of Beatles lyrics, Misfits lyrics, and Bible scripture. I didn't neccesarily place those in order of importance. If I did that I would go with Bible, Misfits, then Beatles. Cause I just plain don't like the Beatles alot of times. When I heard about Paul McCartney's recent divorce the first thing that came into my head was "Serves you right, you rich fuck, dropping babies out windows." and the next thing I thought was "No, that was Eric Clapton, sorry Paul. For that."


I like alot of movies too. Most actually. I recently watched Godzilla vs. Mothra. I'm not going to say it had a particuarly rich plot, but I LOVE picturing myself in that suit trashing places. If I was freaking HUGE and wanted to destroy a city, I would dress up as Godzilla first.


I rarely watch TV. Mostly because I no longer have any good cartoon channels, and I am mostly like a child. Night before last I fell asleep watching a show about dinosaurs. There was a part where they were discussing dinosaur feet. So I took off my slipper and inspected my feet so as to compare them with those of a dinosaur. At that point I decided that my feet should be washed with handsoap. They didn't stink, but for whatever reason, washing them with handsoap makes way more sense than using a bodysoap.


I read non-fiction. Not a big fan of romance novels. I DO like fantasy and some science fiction. But I think I read these genre's more to explain my lack of social interaction. Without the books as a scapegoat I would have to examine such areas as 'my personality' as a possible cause, and I'm just not ready to do that.


God, Jesus. People that stand up for what they believe and care about as opposed to only standing for the opportunity to tear down the things they hate. I also think Superman is a positive role model. Nowadays heroes seem to require some sort of edge. I don't want my kids idolizing edgy heroes who smoke cigars and randomly inflict pain on others. I would prefer they learned from someone who values the feelings of others and uses their own strengths to further righteousness.How's that for serious?And also all the artists and musicians who failed to be famous but continued on in the face of adversity for love of their craft.

My Blog

Just give it a break C

The past couple nights I've been having these strange dreams where crappy stuff happens in my life.My actual life is going pretty well, I mean it could def be wayyy better, but all in all I'm reasonab...
Posted by T-Monster on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:38:00 PST

State of the Nation

So.Long time, w/o much bloggin going on.Current topics in my head:some chicksrecent DQMy broken doorSo. I've been seeing some girls and having varying levels of success with that. For the most part ...
Posted by T-Monster on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:53:00 PST

The Truck

So I bought a new truck.  New to me, not plaina new, obviously.  Obviously to anyone who knows my finances at least.  Because I'm in school I didn't really feel like getting a loan and ...
Posted by T-Monster on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:04:00 PST

Why the cat's paranoid

A good example of cat paranoia occurred right after I finished writing the last blog.  I'm checking a couple other things online while petting the cat with my other hand.  Against all wisdom...
Posted by T-Monster on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:10:00 PST

No more Sable

I was in the middle of getting a pretty new Sable for almost nothing, but the dealie fell through.  That means I am going back to kinda car shopping.  Meanwhile I'm still waiting on parts fo...
Posted by T-Monster on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST

Civil Civic.

The cat, the civic and the airplane.  Well, the Mustang has been broken down for more than a month now.  Perhaps even two months.  As a result I've been driving the Civic.  The Civ...
Posted by T-Monster on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:50:00 PST

Gulping Communion

So it was Sunday morning, I went ot church like a good Catholic. The preist that morning was a pretty old guy that I've seen quite a few times since I've been going to the church in Newark. Ten months...
Posted by T-Monster on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 06:04:00 PST


After alot of effort my toilet is now flowing freely again. I've been working on it on and off for a couple of days now. It wasn't 'clogged', but merely slow. I have to say the novelty of plunging def...
Posted by T-Monster on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:38:00 PST

People who read

I'm super stoked that anyone is reading my blog. The entries have been sooo shitty that I didn't really think anyone would. Anyway, I'm reposting all my blogs over on facebook too. If you're in col...
Posted by T-Monster on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:26:00 PST


My sneezing is really getting out of control today. I think it all began this morning when I woke up. My Mom was aclling about something about me picking up an iron that I needed to pick up in order t...
Posted by T-Monster on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 11:35:00 PST