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About Me

L o v e s♥
REI I. Rambling. Quality. Elliot Smith. Death note Conor Oberst. Binkle and flip, Road Trips. Hard to find forests Meadows, How to live forever, Digital art, Pencil and Tattoo Designs. Horses. Marta Dahlig Guitar, Salvador Dali. Singing really really loud in public. The cold side of the pillow. Carl Barron Shoes. Lords of Dogtown Byrce Courtenay. Cintiq. Hoang Nguyen. Hair. Peoples voices and names. Don Vito. Hands. Shepparton. Addrenaline. Friends. Alex Pardee. Movies. M&ms. City of light. Walking. Thoughts. The beach. Grunt. DoomsDay. Crumping at train stations. Umbrellas. Reading. Juxtapoz. Getting hyped and going mental. Family. The Sims. Camping. Gran Torino. The smell of petrol and new things. Black V Nissan Silvias Mr dean. Long phone calls. matt good. Old Furniture. Dragon Ball z.Rain. Fireplaces. Calcifer. Tess's face.Sleep Texting. Oscar Oscar. Drawing on myself. Storms.Matt Good. Dallas Green,Davey Havok.Kurt Cobain. Connor Oberst.Calcifer.Paul koehler.Lil Wayne.Pat Parelli People that twitch in their sleep. Pranks. The sound of his voice.
The reason i walk around with a big dorky smile on my face
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Hello, I’m Layla; I spend the majority of my time doing more thinking then I do doing, Either Horse riding, Drawing, Sleeping Eating and talking to myself. I’m obsessive, I'm clingy, I have trust issues, I’ve realized the low tolerance I have, I’m impatient because theres so much i want from life. I have respect and I have morals. I have OCD problems and have to write down everything I have to do at least 10 times a day. I love poetry, I love theory’s I love prophecy. I’m lazy, I have extremely bad English I make up my own words too much and shorten everything so just tell me if you don’t understand me haha. I’m amazed by a lot in the world, and I think school is a waste of time to a degree, I miss being little, I miss sitting in fields blowing bubbles and eating flowers. I’m easily amused. I've had amazing people in my life that have influenced me in ways they’ll never know. I’m not afraid of being myself anymore and ill tell you what I think straight out in the best way I can. I’m ready for a change. I’m currently in high school, but quitting as soon as I can, please don’t tell me its the wrong choice I’m not going to live my life without risks, I’m doing a traineeship, and i have a part time job i want a full time job, save, and move to Melbourne with my best friend to start a tattooing apprenticeship and hopefully start over and find something that fulfills me in my life, I don’t believe in rules or principals and it’s hard to know what’s right or wrong the world and everything in it is changing everyday. I get extremely fed up with people I think there the lowest degration on the earth, I hate knowing so many people that have such big hearts that get brought down by people that have no idea how gay they are. I no longer will take anyone’s shit anymore, I don’t trust anyone so don’t think you ever have my trust. You don’t earn respect by giving none. I have one best friend in this world that I can work things out with, but I’m just not sure if I can be fucked with anyone else anymore, your all the same, truth is I do think your a fuckhead if you smoke if you do drugs, I do think your a fuckhead if you have no respect for yourself and no one else which is pretty much everyone we only have one body and one mind why not respect it?. Don’t like it? well just go away I honestly do not care anymore, people come and go I’m no longer letting you take any of my feelings your not worth it. iv gone my whole life with people thinking they can say or do whatever they want with me, I’m not a fucking toy. Time to be myself and find out who really does love me for who I am. I’m going to live my life with people that don’t make up pointless lies and making up drama that I really don’t need. I’m moving away this year and I’m taking my best friend with me, I can’t wait to leave everything behind, everything. -.- if you have nothing better to do then go get drunk and talk about how much weed your going to do with your fucked up lifeless crew DONT talk to me. Id rather be at home designing then being at your shitty party. I never thought id get to the point where I don’t care if I lose anything anymore. I won’t judge you when I first meet you at least ill try. I want to be amazed and know someone as much as they know me. For the people I have looked up to, no matter what happens I know iv taken a piece of them with me and its making me the better or even the worse person I am. I’m another person going through day to day trying to figure out everything about the world. Everything is so built up of beliefs and opinions. Everyone has their own standards and ways of living, all I ask of you if you want to be a part of my life is to seriously grow up and get some morals. I think a lot. That's just me MY opinions and ill just try to make them work with yours.
Yep i have a lot to say.
Renee Francis Pearl Murphy
Heroine, Ill love you Forever munchkin.
Kaits Radburn and Haylz Shaw
Youv taught me what true friends are and how to laugh everyday
Rachel Price
Your Sexy
Michael Lennane
i Wish everyone was more like you.
Stephen Green
As long as your in my life im pretty much okay
Beccy Longy
I miss you making me smile.
Imi And Chris
Sister, Brother.
Lyndall Tickner BSB
I wish i still got to see you everyday
Taze Andrews
youd have to be the funniest person iv ever met omg haha
The people i love too much that i take for granted too often
Jaimz Deitz
You are my boyf, and i like you naked Peter piper picked a peck of packled pepper paper baki baked then ate a crape And jill came tumbling after (L)
Tess Wylie
Dont for a second think you havent meant the world to me in my life.
A Someone Else
In some way youv taught me something as ridiculous as it is, i dont think id ever stop loving you and i seriously do not know why i cant not think about you everyday..
r.i.p the world took you away, i guess it realized it just didnt deserve you
I wanna be the surgeon that cuts you open
and fixes all of life's mistakes
I wanna be the house that you were raised in
the only place that you feel safe
I wanna be your shower in the morning
that wakes you up and makes you clean
I know I'm just the weather against your window
as you sleep through a winter's dream
Something's churning the earth
Something's stirring the sky.
Every color at once in a column of light.
Bacteria breeds on a microscope slide
The worm in my heart is the apple of your eye.
Don't adore what is impossible
We have built this ship in a wine bottle
If we knew how it worked we would have to grow old.
Something's eating at you,
wakes you up in the night
If you're digging the past
who knows what you'll find
Read the newspaper print off the microfiche slide
and you're holding your breath
for the rest of your life
Don't you love what is intangible
I have built this ship in a wine bottle
but if you knew who I was
you would never grow old
i like to eat pie
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Kaitie i love you =)   Dear Layla:   i miss you.i miss the way you would fall over everything.i miss the way you always had to know if there was sugar in what you were eating.i miss you obse...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 07:05:00 GMT