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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Directed by: Josh PattersonWE ARE BOOKING SHOWS THROUGH MAY 2009. Bands from around Southern California are encouraged to get involved. If you are planning on touring through California and need a few dates we can also help. Book multiple shows and do some work on myspace to help network the bands! Together we build community! Email Pete: is good. Good beer is even better! Good people rock! Great people are even better! Be Great! Drink Good Beer! WE STRIVE TO BRING GREAT PEOPLE AND MUSIC TOGETHER! WE STRIVE TO DO IT WHILE HAVING FUN! NO EGO ALLOWED IN THIS WORLD! JUST GOOD PEOPLE, COLD BEVERAGES, HONEST, KIND AND TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE! Join me on a beer tour later this summer!One of the worlds oldest known alcoholic beverages. Beer was brewed as early as 4000 years ago in ancient Egypt and Babylon. According to Egyptian legend, Osiris, the god of agriculture, taught humans to prepare beer. It has been a commercial product since the late middle ages. Today beer is legally defined in some countries, as in Germany, where the standard ingredients, apart from water, are germinated barley, hops, and yeast.1600 BC Egyptian texts contain 100 medical prescriptions calling for beer. If an Egyptian gentleman offered a lady a sip of his beer they were betrothed. Early brewers used herbals like balsam, hay, dandelion, mint, and wormwood seeds, horehound juice, and even crab claws & oyster shells for flavorings. Romans brewed "cerevisia" (Ceres the goddess of agriculture & vis meaning strength in Latin).55 BC Roman legions introduce beer to Northern Europe.49 BC Caesar toasted his troops after crossing the Rubicon, which began the Roman Civil War. Before the Middle Ages brewing was left to women to make since it was considered a food as well as celebration drink.23 BC Chinese brewed beer called "kiu"500-1000 AD the first half of the Middle Ages, brewing begins to be practiced in Europe, shifting from family tradition to centralized production in monasteries and convents (hospitality for traveling pilgrims). During Medieval times beer was used for tithing, trading, payment and taxing.1000 AD hops begins to be used in the brewing process.1200 AD beer making is firmly established as a commercial enterprise in Germany, Austria, and England.a) German's preferred cold temperature lagers (bottom-fermentation) stored in caves in the Alps. b) English preferred mild temperature ales (top-fermentation) stored in cellars. 1295 King Wenceslas grants Pilsen Bohemia brewing rights (formerly Czechoslovakia, now Slovakia & Czech Republic).1420 German brewers develop the lager method of brewing.1489 Germany's first brewing guild, Brauerei Beck, was established.1490's Columbus found Indians making beer from corn and black birch sap.1516 Bavarian brewing guilds push for the Reinheitsgeobot purity laws make it illegal to use any ingredients but water, barley, and hops in the brewing of beer (they didn't know yeast existed).1553 Beck's Brewery founded & still brewing today.Late 1500's Queen Elizabeth I of England drank strong ale for breakfast.1587 the first beer brewed in New World at Sir Walter Raleigh's colony in Virginia--but the colonists sent requests to England for better beer.1602 Dr. Alexander Nowell discovers that ale can be stored longer in cork sealed, glass bottles.1612 the first commercial brewery opened in New Amsterdam (NYC, Manhattan) after colonists advertised in London newspapers for experienced brewers.1620 Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock because the beer supplies were running low.1674 Harvard College has its own brewhouse.1680 William Penn (founder of Pennsylvania) operated commercial brewery.1757 Washington wrote his personal recipe "To Make Small Beer."1786 Molson brewery is founded in what is today Canada. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had their own private brewhouses. Samuel Adams operated commercial brewery. Soldiers in the revolutionary army received rations of a quart of beer a day.1789 James Madison proposes that Congress levy a low 8-cent duty per barrel on malt liquors to encourage "the manufacture of beer in every State in the Union." Beer and bread were the mainstays of the ordinary person's diet for centuries. Yeasts during this time were exactly the same as those used in bread.Modern HistoryBefore the 1800's most beer was really "Ale."1810 Munich establishes Oktoberfest as an official celebration.1830's Bavarians Gabriel Sedlmayr of Munich and Anton Dreher of Vienna developed the lager method of beer production.1842 the first golden lager is produced in Pilsen, Bohemia.In the mid-19th Century (1850's) German immigrant brewers introduced cold maturation lagers to the US (Anheuser-Busch, Miller, Coors, Stroh, Schlitz, and Pabst roots begin here). The modern era of brewing in the US began in the late 1800's with commercial refrigeration (1860), automatic bottling, pasteurization (1876), and railroad distribution.1870's Adolphus Busch pioneers the use of double-walled railcars, a network of icehouses to make Budweiser the first national brand.1876 Pasteur unraveled the secrets of yeast in the fermentation process, and he also developed pasteurization to stabilize beers 22 years before the process was applied to milk.1880 there are approximately 2,300 breweries in the US.1890s Pabst is the first US brewer to sell over 1 million barrels in a year.1909 Teddy Roosevelt brought over 500 gal. of beer on safari in Africa.1914 commercial competition drives the number of operating breweries down to 1,400.1933 Prohibition ends for beer (April 7).1935 only 160 breweries survive Prohibition.1935 the beer can is introduced (American Can Co. & Kreuger Brewing).1938 Elise Miller John heads Miller Brewing for 8 years as the first and only woman ever to run a major brewing company.1965 Fritz Maytag purchases Anchor Brewing Co.1966 Budweiser is the first brand to sell 10 million barrels in a year.1976 New Albion is the first in the rebirth of brewpubs and microbreweries in the US opening in California.1988 Asahi Super Dry (Japan) introduces new beer category (soon to follow is Michelob Dry).1991 the US produces 20% of the world beer volume (world's largest).

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"If your doctor warns that you have to watch your drinking, find a bar with a mirror." The Beer Guy is here!

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Check out this event: NEW YEARS EVE party at Mais Cafe Ventura!

Hosted By: Peter BouloukosWhen: Wednesday Dec 31, 2008 at 8:00 PMWhere Mai's Cafe Ventura2815 East Main StreetVentura, California|5 93003United StatesDescription:Peter Bouloukos Click Here To View Eve...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:02:00 GMT