Dancing, Hanging out with my friends, helping out in my Neighborhood, trying to go to the gym.
Motivated people with a sense of humor.
Almost everything except very hard alternative (i.e. Marilyn Manson). I like hip hop (but it's gotten pretty weak these days, very meaningless and the beats haven't been too great....at least the radio stuff I hear), alternative, salsa, merengue, and cumbia.
I like a lot of movies but some that i've enjoyed watching: Maria llena eres de Gracia, El Crimen del Padre Amaro, Bourne Identity/Supremacy, Million Dollar Baby, Glory Road, Napoleon Dynamite (Flippin' sweet...lol)
I mainly watch sports. I used to like shows like Married with Children back in the day. Once I headed out to college I never had a t.v. so I lost touch.
Can vary, it can range from books on social issues to politics to sports. Some that I have enjoyed: Rain of Gold, Cien Anos De Soledad, Thirteen Senses, Friday Night Lights, Da Vinci Code, Juiced, Angels and Demons, Game of Shadows, Newspaper
Pretty much my Dad and Brother. Cheesy but true.