This page is for anyone who likes to party!
Junkies are not welcome here
People who use drugs like Haroine, Meth, and Crack are not welcome here
And "Straight Edge 4 life" kids are certinly not welcome here!This page is a rebuttal to the ever-growing trend of being "Straight edge". We think it is dumb to make a life choice of such calibur based on a trend. For all thoes who truly dont want to do drugs or drink, PROPS but we LIKA DRINKIE! We dont promote excessive drug or alcohol abuse but we do know how to enjoy the said substances. It takes a stronger individual to be able to enjoy drugs and alcohol and not become dependent than it is to shut them out of your life all together. As teenagers, we think that this is the time in our lives where we should experiment with things that make us feel good and when we get older and more mature we will know what we do and dont want to have as a part of our lives. We dont mean to offend anyone who is against drugs and alcohol but with all do respect, if you think that way... GET THE FUCK OFF THIS PAGE!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Jack Daniels, Jim Bean, Whoever invented Beer...Click here to add wont regret it, bitch...