Entity Corp. profile picture

Entity Corp.

About Me

Entity © was born in 2003, in a deserted keyboard room at Leamington College, Warwickshire. The band's two members Andy Taylor and Dave McKenzie who had met only weeks earlier, were forced together by the pressures of the educational system; which deemed that in order to pass their music course they would have to do the unthinkable - form a band and write music. Not wanting to join up with the other 10 guitarists on the course; they set out in search of a new style of music that held no boundaries... It took 10 minutes.
Within weeks they had songs ranging from chilled out acoustica to bass driven blues metal; with wild time signatures and unconventional key changes peppered into the mix. Within months they had a setlist ready to perform and set out to waste other peoples time as much as theirs had been squandered.
The band took a hiatus in 2005, both members finishing college and heading back to their hometowns; but contact was always kept and the memory of Entity © didn't die there.
Relocation for Andy to Manchester brought around a prolific wave of songwriting for new project 'Headshots & Barricades', while Dave stayed in the Midlands quietly jamming and kicking out the occasional tune. But in 2008 when the idea to re-record an old song from their college days came to fruition; Entity © would once again resurface with a new and improved basis.
Since the resurgence of the Corporation, both Andy and Dave have been writing non-stop, and a new album is currently in the works.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/06/2008
Band Website: www.myspace.com/entitycorporation
Band Members: â–ºAndy T - Guitar/Various

â–ºDave - Guitar/Various
Sounds Like:

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Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

You can laugh, but you're not allowed to mean it... COMING SOON!

Ok, it's been a long time since we did anything... Even most of the stuff we recorded on our last meetup didn't really see the light of day due to various reasons....But this time we've come together ...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:39:00 GMT


NEW SONG. Ok, well.... no excuses. We're been busy/lazy.... Now there's no net connection with one of us so we can't send things back and forth like we used to... BUT New song. Friendly Death Pact....
Posted by on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 14:16:00 GMT

Recording - The Results Are In.... Almost

So yeah, we promised material and it's not here.. and we know that literally thousands of people are just climbing the walls in fervent anticipation; just waiting for the inevitable audio-orgasm that ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 12:06:00 GMT


The time has come, the gloves are off, the gear is packed, the narcotics have been acquired and we are just about ready to bring something together. We've had to put it off again and again; so ev...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 21:24:00 GMT

Demo versions and old practice sessions

Ok, we just wanted to stress that the tracks we have up here are either VERY rough demos of our new material; or old recordings of college practices we've dug up from the vaults. We lost most of our&n...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:58:00 GMT