HAHA, KELSEY. profile picture



About Me


i'm seventeen years old & shorter than you. (:
have any questions? ask me!

hey kelsey, let's MISBEHAVE...

My Interests

upcoming events.
june 5; last day of school.
june 9; jungers cabin.
july 19; sonshine festival (flyleaf).
july 24; spill canvas/MCS/sing it loud.
august 3; warped tour.
august 26; JACK'S MANNEQUIN & paramore.


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MY LOVES.under construction; NOT UPDATED.

ANDREW IS MY HOMEBOY. He is only the most amazing man on this entire planet. And one time, I actually touched his body. With my own hand. And if you don't know the significance of that, you are seriously missing something in your life. And you should go straight to google and look him up. You won't regret it, because he is more fantastic than you will ever know. His music is what gets me through nearly anything. And fine, I admit it, I DO have an unhealthy obsession with Andrew Ross McMahon! <3
JOSHY. Basically, he always makes me laugh. I've gotten pretty close to him and I'm glad I have, especially with all the rough times he has been through. He's awesome. He has musical talent beyond belief. I love his [and Alan's!] cheesy pick up lines. And you can't forget his rendition of Afternoon Delight. He's my bestest frieeeend. And he's raped me too many times to count. Hahaha, his jokes are the best. :] I love the turtle dance. And the awkward amazing awesome dance. And the pelican dance. And I love his bands. I love him and i'll be there for him no matter what!
Stephanie is such an amazing friend - and she is my BESTEST FRIEND (slut). She is so important to me, and I don't know what I'd do without her. Being in drama with her is absolutely fantastic, she keeps me sane (or insane). We can talk about anything and everything and always have a great time. SNAKE EYES! Oh, and we have magicful powers. Also, we bust beats before we eat! I’m also glad to know that she will always be there to kick the ass of anyone who hurts me. YAY DRAMA! :]
ALAN. I LOVE ALAN. Basically, my love for him resembles stalker-like affection. He's pretty much amazing. And I love him. He's my favorite and one of my best friends. ♥ I miss him beyond belief right now. Whenever we talk, it totally makes my day. Alan just understands you, and always makes you feel better. I can't believe how important he became to me in the last year. Oh, and did I mention, when I think about him, I touch myself?
I'm so thankful to call Brittany one of my best friends. From Anything Goes to Oklahoma, our friendship has started and grown. I couldn't live without her. I simply could not. We can talk about anything, and go to coffee shops, and out to eat, and swinging and i can't wait for all our summer plans (SONSHINE!) I love her to death and hahahaaa we keep things on the DOWN LOOWWWWW.
BEEP BEEP. TALIBAN POP CAN. TRANSVESTITE FISH. DONUTS. THESBIAN SEX. TALITHEZ. SAKE. APRIL BIRTHDAYS. GRAPES RAPE. CHINESE HOUSE P5. HOMEER HANKYS. GOLDUN SuuUuUUN ...there are about 1937453 more inside jokes. I'm so glad I got to know Elizabeth. She makes my days happier with her insane craziness. I love her! SIXTY NINE CENT CONES! How much is a carton of DORALS? Oh, and she likes to shrink her sweatpants just so she can give them to me. lol. But this girl is my bestieeee forEVERS. I'm going to miss her so much when she's in Wisconsin. Seriously. ;]
NAM IS MY FAVORITE ASIAN. He's one of my best friends. And that is because he always makes me happy, even though sometimes he has no idea what's going on. He's fantastic. I know he's always here for me no matter what, and there is no way to explain how much I appreciate that. And oh yes, when he breaks out dancing in Sackaroff's... AHAHAAA. I love him! We'll did the best lip sync ever. :] Oh, and we're really bad at being one person because we can't walk.
Katie! Patie! I basically love her. She's absolutely amazing. I can basically talk to her about anything and she always makes me feel better. We understand each other really well. And Wisconsin Dells 2007 was the best ever! I couldn't ask for a better friend, especially one who is there to listen to all my sometimes silly problems. I LOVE HER. <3 :]
I miss my Alex. I come up to his moose. I'm so happy I've met him & that he has become one of my best friends. :>> And I can't wait until the next time we haaang because we always have a fun time. Do you want to eat the tip of my pickle? His liver won't stop talking! And we take road trips to The Garage and sit on the ground even if it's full of gum. Oh, and did I mention he's my FAVORITE alex? Do you like bridges?
Oh Karoline, where to start... She has become so important to me in such a short time! I can't even believe it. She always makes me laugh and I just wish I could take her with my everywhere. From lesbian lovers to cookies to Oklahoma - it's been absolutely amazing. And i'm going to miss her so much. Probably more than I've missed anybody else. She will always have a special place in my heart even though she lives like a million miles away... (:
JAAMES IS A HOTTIE AND I LOVE HIM. we've gotten SO much closer this year, and that makes me so happy. we've gone from bus buddies back in the day to amazing friends. drama was simply amazing - i'm so glad he joined the cult. there's no turning back now! but yeah i love this kid to death.
STEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE. He's the funniest person ever. And he's an amazing swimmer and just as amazing of an actor. I especially loved his scene six costume ;] and his strip teases, whoaa man! Haha, he can't stop talking about politics [let's play name the senators!] He can do an amazing Pamela Anderson impression too. And look how cute he looks in a tux. <3
I LOOOOOVE DEREK. Burby Burb! He's pretty much one crazy kid who I absolutely adore. He's always there to help me with my math or give me a lap dance, or something of that nature. He's a pole dancing maniac! Plus, he's my boyfriend on the weekends. What more could I ever ask for? He’s for sure one of my beeest friends. <3
Anna. We used to be thee BEST of friends, but things got a little rough this past year. Finally, things are starting to be better, and I'm so happy. We've lost four months yet I still feel pretty close to her. We're working on figuring out our friendship, but it'll never be the same as it was. And I'm okay with that. It's impossible to forget all of our great times together. :D
Virginia is amazing. I can share absolutely anything with her and she always seems to understand. <33333 We're a lot alike, and I'm happy to know that she'll always be there for me. Plus, she's my show-buddy and my car-buddy and I have to pay her back a lot of money. I love my V. I'm always here for you, okay? Plus, we like to go on walks around the stone arch bridge chyes!
I love my Mister Evan. He's one of my FAVORITE swimmers as well as one of my best friends. He ALWAYS makes me feel better no matter what, and I can't thank him enough for that. He's been there for me through the good times and even more significantly, the bad times. He's pretty much like a brother, and he is alwaaays there to listen. We were the hottest sadies dates ever. ;] We're gonna have so much fun together this year with drama & swimming. I can't wait. I love you Evan.
Claire was my best friend throughout elementary school, and lately we've been beginning to talk way more. She always makes me laugh & i love that we're always there to listen to each other. Haha, we're so maniacal. We gotta hang out soon or i'll explode! FAAAAAAAANTASTIC.
Awww, doesn't this face make you happy? ;] This is Whitey/Bryant/Wyant. [HAHA] "ARBYS!" "YAY!" We like to go on big fun adventures. And pretty much he has the most amazing girlfriend ever. Haha. He's easy to talk to and SO funny, you have no idea. Oh, and we better be hanging out soon. Duh.
THIS IS MELLLL! :] She seriously makes me SO happy. I love talking to her. I just wish I could see her more often. I'm so insanely glad i've met her. I predict a great number of insane adventures in the future... ;] anyways, mel basically brightens my day and not to mention, has an amazing taste in music. I love Mellllll! <333
Isn't Atzel a cuuutie pie? =] I've pretty much decided that he is one of my favorite people ever and one of the sweetest guys too. We have so many good times in Comm Arts sitting next to each other! I’m glad that he is always here for me, and I’ll always be there for him. I LOVE YOU ATZEL! <3
Bet-CCCCC MASTER FLASHER. I give Betsy many hugs, and we have sex with josh, alan & anna late at night while watching Spiderman. She's fantastic and always makes me laugh. WE ARE MEERCAT BUDDIES! I can't explain how much I miss Betsy because we don't see each other as often! We need some hang out time ASAP. Awww, Spanish class was the best. :]
This is Alex. She's so awesome. I'm glad to have met her in one of the most amazing things ever - Anything Goes. [good times!] I can't wait to get to know her even better throughout school and drama. Alex, you rock! :]
Meet Adam; my favorite freshman! His jokes are way too funny. Plus he's my swimmer so i GOTTA love him. We have some insanely great times at lunch, so I gotta say he definitely makes me days a lot more fun! :]
Mr. Justin joined drama and is now apart of the drama cult. And this makes me VERY happy. He is such an awesome guy and an even more awesome friend. I love him, and I'm so glad that I've gotten closer to him. It's great to know he's always here for me. I love him!<3
ME AND KRISTEN ARE THE SEXIEST PEOPLE EVER. You can't deny it. We are amazing and adorable and fantastic. Duh. I love her MORE. I miss her so much now that she moved to Nebraska. I can't wait til I get to see her next. Talking to her makes me feel like everything will be okay. 180 DEGREE ANGLE. :[ :] plus she needs to give all my boys the KRISTEN FRANSISCO STAMP OF APPROVAL. <333
Brennan. :] He is my favorite senior. And I am his favorite sophomore. He's so awesomely funny. We've been in drama and in the swim team together, so I've know him for a while. He brings me donuts. MAN COLLEGE! He owes me a dinner. ;]
K-K-K-K-JERSTA! We've had so many funny moments. She is one of the reasons why drama is awesome and she will be GREATLY missed next year. She's such an amazing actress. I love hanging out with her. Plus, we gossip about them cute guys and the man whore too. HAHA i love our talks! ;] :]
KELSEY! :] My new favorite friend. haha. We're K Squared. Or Double K. Or whatever it was that Martha calls us. We are the the best managers to ever come to the CHHS boys swim team. And we WILL wear matching clothes, bake cookies & make signs. Just you wait. We dominate & ALWAYS get those manager points at meets, right? Haha.<3
I love Anna. She makes me laugh so much. We also have awesome taste in shoes. Ohh yes. :] <3333 She's a great friend and so amazingly creative. Drama with her is thee best!
GAAABE. WE GOIN TO MEXICOOO. It's awesome to get to know her & see her during the day with dig im and lunch. We have so many funny times. Like indian symbols BWAHAHAAA. We take amazing pictures too, like whoaaaa.
Mia is fantastic. I don't know how I could live without her… She means the world to me and I miss spending time with her so much. She's been my friend for so long, and she's an amazing person inside and out. She makes my days brighter and I'd give anything to see her everyday.
Shannon is awesome. Our dates are better than your dates. Because we're sexy. Oh, and beware of Mark. He's fat, creepy and he will rape you. Oh, and we're gonna go bowling in Canada & thrift store shopping. Shannon has introduced me to a lot of people who have become very important to me. Her parties are the best!
RAAAAAACHEL, MY LUUUVERRRRRRR. We're amazing together, I tell you. She still owes me that free orgasm for my birthday. ;] But, I loveLoVeLOVE that I've met her & that we're friends. When I get to see her, my entire day is better. She's just THAT fantastic.
SARAH. I MISS HER HUGS. Why does she need to live all the way in France?! I miss her beyond belief. There is not a day that goes by where I don't think at least once, "Hey, I miss Sarah." Even when she was here for the summer, I missed her! I loved our times at the State Fair, and randomly meeting in the hospital! Saying goodbye to her twice was HARD! I love Sarah!
Jessica! I love her so much. :] She made lunch so awesome, and she's an amazing friend. Knowledge Bowl was great because she was in it. I miss her so much now that she’s at NDSU. We need to go on adventures to Fridays & Target again! :<[br />
Patience is so awesome. I'm really happy that I've gotten closer to her in high school. She's so funny and I love her. She’s so easy to talk to, and we have a lot of fun when we’re together. Yay for emo corners & lunches with Josh Covey and his insane lunch stealing abilities! So many good times. :] YAY KATIENCE. Oh, and say what – we look alike? No way!
Anthony! Everybody says we look alike. But I don’t see it. He's Marie's boyfriend and he's very funny. And he gives me hand massages. Oh, and did I mention he has the freakin' coolest sister in the world? I love him. We stay up late watching Booty Ballet. :]
LILLI. My favorite person from Finland. She's so funny & cute. I love her. Plus, we have an amazing hockey dance, which means we're cooler than you. AND we're both marrying Mikko Koivu and living in many beautiful houses around the world. Beat that! =]
Well, i've saved the best for last, right? This is Galen. This guy has changed my life for the better, and i'm not sure why or how, but he did. I could never thank him enough for making me feel better because no matter what he says or does, that is what happens: I feel better. We don't really get many chances to hang or talk, but I trust him with my life. He is the most amazingly talented person I've ever met. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have him in my life. He is hands down one of the most important people in my life. I love you Galen. <3333
now, if i've missed you on this list, just gimme a holla. and most likely i'll put you on. lol. and if i seriously did forget, i'm so sorry.

My Blog

everyday would be a holiday from real.

hmmm.where to start?where to begin?what are my emotions, and how do i sort them out?i've been feeling like i'm completely and utterly stuck. stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, misunderstood, alone, disappo...
Posted by HAHA, KELSEY. on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 09:04:00 PST


this has been long awaited.i edited & resized all the pics to give to friends, but then i realized i wanted to do something more with them.so therefore...the birth of this blog.enjoyyy.MAYDAY PAR...
Posted by HAHA, KELSEY. on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 09:35:00 PST

let me light up the sky.

nothing is like it should be anymore.nothing.i've never so badly wanted to go back in time. i want things to be the way they were. the way they used to be. i want my friends to be my best friends agai...
Posted by HAHA, KELSEY. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:21:00 PST


BREEZY POINT ADVENTURE!as you guys may or may not know, me and anna went up north a few weeks ago and we took some pretty crazy pictures. so, as a gift to you guys, here they are!beware, this is an ex...
Posted by HAHA, KELSEY. on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:11:00 PST