Hampton Roads CODEPINK profile picture

Hampton Roads CODEPINK

About Me

Please visit the website for HR CODEPINK to see what we are doing at http://www.hrcodepink.org . This myspace is for the new Hampton Roads, Virginia Chapter! CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. We reject the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.
CODEPINK started with the intention of stopping the invasion of Iraq before it started, but during our visit to Iraq, it became clear that the war was imminent. Now, we are dedicated to creating a movement that is capable of stopping the next war, whether it is in Syria, Iran, North Korea or anywhere else. We need to educate ourselves, expose the truth to the public and create a culture of peace and compassion before we are saddled with another expensive, unjust war.
CODEPINK is a women-led organization that seeks to empower women politically, creating space for women to speak out for justice and peace in their communities, the media and the halls of Congress. Women are not better or purer or more innately nurturing than men, but the men have busied themselves making war, so we are taking the lead for peace... ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Many, Many like-minded, peaceful individuals in the Hampton Roads area who would like to participate in any ways that they can in working towards the mission of CODEPINK.

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My Blog

Follow Up video from Adam Kokesh the day after the assault

   I would just like to mention that it concerns me a little that they are specifically hanging out at the corner of Adam's block the day after he was assaulted.  After the video is the...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 07:06:00 GMT

Adam Kokesh Assaulted by Undercover FBI Agent & MPD Officers

From Adam's Blog Revolutionary Patriot:http://kokesh.blogspot.com/2008/07/adam-kokesh-assau lted-by-undercover-fbi.html
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 20:15:00 GMT

Meeting with Conyers on Impeachment 7/9/08

Here is the video of our meeting with Conyers on impeachment.  We will be going back on the 25th for another meeting where he is going to tell us what he is going to do. As you can see inthe vide...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 21:58:00 GMT