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About Me

A fun mix of musicians here to burn a mark on the Indian Rock Scene… Highly influenced by Funk,Jazz,Heavy Metal and good ol Progressive Rock, we bring you a sound that is distinctly,well, S.I.L.V.E.RAchievments of the band:1)NATIONAL WINNERS OF YAMAHA ROXX 20082)REPRESENTED INDIA IN TAIWAN @ THE ASIAN BEAT 20083)INDEPENDENCE ROCK XXIII WINNERS 2008For gigs/booking info plz contact Rishi Rai:

My Interests


Member Since: 27/06/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Mahesh Niroula-Vox~^~ Savio Sebastian-Guitars*^* Rishi Rai-Bass and ambience+^+ Amit Godse-Drums %^
Influences: "Life" Blues, Funk, Jazz, Progressive Rock, Latin, Electronica, Fusion, Thrash, Alternative, Reggae, Country, Metal-Core, Punk jazz fusion....the list goes on!!!
Sounds Like: Silver!!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Major

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