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john e & friends

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THIS IS WHAT GOD DID FOR ME AND YOU....LONG BEFORE WE UNDERSTAND IT OR ACCEPT IT......GOD LOVES ME WITH A STRONG AND AMAZING LOVE!! HE SET ME FREE FROM MY PASSIONS AND MY PERSONAL HELL! THATS WHY JESUS CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS TO SET PEOPLE FREE ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................................. Ο Θεος δεν μας δημιουργησε για να μας πεταξει εδω..πανω στη γη και να ζησουμε τη ζωη μας οπως ναναι!! ..και μονοι μας..παρατημενοι στους πεντε δρομους!!! Ο Θεος δια του Ιησου Χριστου θελει να μας χαρισει μια ζωη απιστευτα και ΑΣΥΛΗΠΤΑ ΑΝΩΤΕΡΗ απο αυτη που εχουμε ζησει μεχρι τωρα!! ΓΙΑΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΘΕΟΣ!! ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑΤΙ ΤΟ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΣΧΕΘΕΙ!! Και αυτο που Εκεινος υποσχεται ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΥΝΑΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ!! ΟΠΩς εχει αρχισει και το κανει στη δικη μου τη ζωη!!Αν ψαχνεις για ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ ..μαλλον εισαι σε λαθος προφιλ!!!! Ο Θεος δεν ΕΙΝΑΙ και ΔΕΝ ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΕΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΕΣ!! Ο Θεος ειναι προσωπο και θελει να σταθουμε μπροστα Του με ΑΝΟΙΚΤΗ ΚΑΡΔΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΥΑΛΟ και να Τον αφησουμε να μας αποκαλυψει το Ποιος ειναι και το Ποιος μπορει να γινει ΣΕ ΕΜΑς!!! Δεν χρειαζεται να εισαι καλος για να Του ζητησεις να το κανει αυτο!! Ο Χριστος δεν ηρθε για τους "καλους"! Ηρθε για τους αμαρτωλους!! Ωστε, αν νομιζεις οτι εισαι ΟΚ...ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΑ ΑΣΤΟ!! ΑΝ ομως εχεις, εστω και λιγο, καταλαβει οτι δεν εισαι ΚΑΙ Ο,ΤΙ ΠΙΟ ΤΕΛΕΙΟ (ηθικα μιλαω)...ΤΟΤΕ ΕΧΕΙς ΕΛΠΙΔΑ!! Και ξερω απο τον εαυτο μου, οτι Του αρεσουν οι "προβληματικοι"!!! Γιατι σε αυτους ΒΑΖΕΙ ΠΙΟ ΠΟΛΥ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ!! ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥς ΑΛΛΑΖΕΙ!! ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥς ΚΑΝΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΑΥΤΟΥς ΠΟΥ ΑΥΤΟΔΙΚΑΙΩΝΟΝΤΑΙ ή ΕΧΟΥΝ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΙΔΕΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΕΑΥΤΟ ΤΟΥς!!!Αυτη ειναι η αληθεια που εγω ζω!!! Petrus, Kornelyus'un evinde Ertesi gün Petrus kalktı, onlarla birlikte yola çıktı. Yafa'daki kardeşlerden bazıları da ona katıldı. 24İkinci gün Sezariye'ye vardılar. Bu arada Kornelyus, akraba ve yakın dostlarını toplamış onları bekliyordu. 25Eve giren Petrus'u karşıladı, tapınırcasına ayaklarına kapandı. 26Petrus ise onu ayağa kaldırarak, «Kalk, ben de insanım» dedi. 27Petrus Kornelyus'la konuşa konuşa içeri girdiğinde birçok insanın toplanmış olduğunu gördü. 28Onlara şöyle dedi: «Bir Yahudi'nin başka ulustan biriyle ilişki kurmasının, onu ziyaret etmesinin töremize aykırı olduğunu bilirsiniz. Oysa Tanrı bana, hiç kimseye murdar ya da kirli dememem gerektiğini göstermiştir. 29Bu nedenle, çağrıldığım zaman hiç itiraz etmeden geldim. Şimdi, beni ne amaçla çağırttığınızı sorabilir miyim?» 30Kornelyus, «Üç gün[k] önce bu sıralarda, saat üçte evimde dua ediyordum» dedi. «Birdenbire, parlak giysili bir adam önümde dikiliverdi. 31..Kornelyus' dedi, ..Tanrı senin duanı işitti, verdiğin sadakaları andı. 32Yafa'ya adam yolla, Petrus diye tanınan Simun'u çağırt. O, deniz kıyısında oturan derici Simun'un evinde kalıyor.' 33Bunun üzerine sana hemen adam yolladım. Sen de lütfedip geldin. İşte şimdi biz hepimiz, Rab'bin sana buyurduğu her şeyi dinlemek üzere Tanrı'nın önünde toplanmış bulunuyoruz.» 34-35O zaman Petrus söz alıp şöyle dedi: «Tanrı'nın insanlar arasında ayrım yapmadığını, ama kendisinden korkan ve doğru olanı yapan kişiyi, ulusuna bakmaksızın kabul ettiğini gerçekten anlıyorum. 36Tanrı'nın, herkesin Rabbi olan İsa Mesih aracılığıyla esenliği müjdeleyerek İsrail oğullarına ilettiği bildiriden haberiniz vardır. 37-38Yahya'nın vaftiz çağrısından sonra Celile'den başlayarak tüm Yahudiye'de meydana gelen olayları, Tanrı'nın, Nasıralı İsa'yı nasıl Kutsal Ruh'la ve kudretle meshettiğini biliyorsunuz. İsa her yanı dolaşarak iyilik yapıyor, İblis'in baskısı altında olanların hepsini iyileştiriyordu. Çünkü Tanrı O'nunla beraberdi. 39«Biz, İsa'nın, Yahudilerin ülkesinde ve Kudüs'te yaptıklarının hepsine tanık olduk. O'nu çarmıha gerip öldürdüler. 40Ama Tanrı O'nu üçüncü gün diriltti ve açıkça görünmesini sağladı. 41İsa, halkın tümüne değil de, Tanrı'nın önceden seçmiş olduğu tanıklara, ölümden dirilmesinden sonra kendisiyle birlikte yiyip içen bizlere göründü. 42Tanrı tarafından ölülerle dirilerin Yargıcı olarak atanan kişinin kendisi olduğunu halka duyurmamızı, buna tanıklık etmemizi buyurdu. 43Peygamberlerin hepsi O'nunla ilgili tanıklıkta bulunuyorlar. Şöyle ki, O'na inanan herkesin günahları O'nun adıyla bağışlanır.» 44Petrus daha bu sözleri söylerken Kutsal Ruh, konuşmayı dinleyen herkesin üzerine indi. 45Petrus'la birlikte gelmiş olan Yahudi[l] imanlılar, Kutsal Ruh armağanının diğer uluslardan olanların da üzerine dökülmesini şaşkınlıkla karşıladılar. 46-47Çünkü onların, bilmedikleri dillerde konuşup Tanrı'yı yücelttiklerini duyuyorlardı. O zaman Petrus, «Bunlar, tıpkı bizim gibi Kutsal Ruh'u almışlardır. Suyla vaftiz olmalarına kim engel olabilir?» dedi. 48Böylelikle onların İsa Mesih adıyla vaftiz olmalarını buyurdu. Sonra onlar Petrus'a, birkaç gün yanlarında kalması için ricada bulundular.

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Member Since: 6/27/2008
Band Members:GOD SETS PEOPLE FREE FROM HOMOSEXUALITYBy Dennis Jernigan www.dennisjernigan.comBecause of my story of freedom from same-sex attraction due to my relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, I have many people tell me they long to know God intimately…long to be forgiven…long to be healed of past wounds…long to be free from whatever…long to be made brand new. For too long I believe the church has made knowing God more about jumping through religious hoops than about connecting people to a real and present God Who desires an intimate relationship with them. Knowing God intimately in a real-life relationship is as simple as a step of faith.Why do we need God? Simple: we were created for fellowship with Him…but something about God’s love led Him to never force us to love Him. He gave us a choice in the matter. And what did we do with that choice? Turned from God and gave in to sin. One sin was all it took to separate you and I from relationship with a holy God. One sin separates us from holy God. Make no mistakes. God is a God of love. He does not send a man to hell. A man’s sin sends him to hell. Every man…every woman…every single child…has sinned. Can’t be helped because we are born into a sinful world.For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God…Romans 3:23 KJVDoes it seem that the world just keeps growing darker and darker and that people aren’t as good as you would have hoped? Does your life seem like you are simply going from one difficult circumstance to another? Have you ever wondered why things are never perfect? Why is there war? Why is there poverty? Why doe the world seem to be riddled with so much pain? Sin sees to it that death comes. God intended us to live but sin ushered death into the world.For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 KJVSo what are we to do to remedy our sin-separation from God?Jesus answered…, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3 NKJVWhat does it mean to be born again? What does it mean to be saved from our sin? We were created by God for fellowship with Him. Sin came into the world by our own choosing and death is the result. Since God is perfect and cannot fellowship with sin, a way had to be made to restore us to God. That way? Jesus Christ.Jesus was perfect. In His perfection He was tempted in every manner just as we are, yet He never sinned. This made Him the perfect candidate to save us from our sin. How did that happen? Simple. Jesus Christ took your sin and my sin upon Himself. He suffered the punishment for that sin by being put to death on the cross. He died with our sin upon Him and our sin was buried with Him.But Good News! Jesus did not stay dead! He rose to life and left sin in the grave and conquered death for us! If we place our faith in Him, he will give us a brand new identity. How do we do that?…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10 NKJVSimply put, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (which means He is Master of all life and Lord over your own life) and then believe – a step of faith – that God has raised Him from the dead…and you will be saved. You will be born again!…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJVWhen I got tired of being homosexual, I decided I had played god with my own life long enough. I gave up to the real and true God. I realized Jesus Christ took my homosexuality upon Himself. I realized that the blood Jesus gave up for me paid the debt of sin I could not pay. I realized that the old ‘me’ was crucified with Christ and buried with Him. I realized that Jesus had risen and was calling me to new life in Him. I walked out of my old life and have been pursuing my new one ever since. I became someone brand new – a new creation!Did the temptations stop right away? No. But temptations no longer defined me. Temptation gives me the opportunity to become intimate and transparent and honest with Christ through faith. I no longer had to perform for anyone’s love or approval. I suddenly found myself completely accepted by Him. All I ever have to do is to believe and receive His love for me in any situation. Jesus understands. Sin will always be in the world until Jesus returns. But Jesus understands.…we do not have a high priest [Jesus] who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16 NIVWould you like to be saved? To be born again? Are you tired of being so alone against the temptations of life? Would you like to have a Faithful Friend Who walks through each and every day – each and every trial – with you? Then pray (prayer is simply talking with God just as you would talk with a person you could see) this simply prayer in faith:“Lord Jesus. I have sinned and I need a Savior. I confess out loud, here and now, that You are Lord. I believe, by placing my faith in You, that God has raised You from the dead. Save me, Lord.”If you prayed that prayer, it’s a ‘done deal’. You are signed, sealed, and delivered ‘His’! Now what do you do? Go to His Word and learn more about His ways. Find other believers of Jesus and build relationships with them. Build a deep and ever-growing relationship with Jesus by including Him in every aspect of your life. He can handle your junk…your rants and ravings. He is kind and patient and will never betray you. Trust Him to teach you how to hear His voice.God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:8-10 NLTNow go and simply be his child!Blessings, Dennis Jernigan www.dennisjernigan.comPS The most asked question of my life is ‘Was your healing instant or a process?’ the answer is ‘both’!When I was born again I was given a brand new identity. I just decided to believe it in faith, putting off the old thoughts about myself and putting on the new ones I learned from God and His Word. The old temptations did not stop right away but I soon learned that temptations do not define me. I have a choice in how I respond to my temptations.The process is like a journey of being constantly being saved from my old life…and I LOVE the journey! It is like the old ‘me’ died and Jesus called me back to life – a new life. But once I was alive in Him I realized I was still wrapped up in a lot of my old life – like a mummy walking around alive yet bound up in the wrappings of death. For the past 27 years I have simply been allowing the Lord to unwrap the old lies and clothe me in the truth. Actually, it is more like unwrapping the old lies and revealing the true nature of who He called me to be.He will speak to my heart when I respond in anger and say, “Dennis, you do not look good clothed in that rage and anger. That is not who you are. Let’s rip that away and see what is exposed now. See that heart of peace and love I planted in you? Be that! That is who you truly are.”I was saved…I am being saved…and I will be saved! That’s truly good news!«Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlunu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, ama hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun. 17Tanrı, Oğlunu dünyayı yargılamak için dünyaya göndermedi, dünya O'nun aracılığıyla kurtulsun diye gönderdi. 18O'na iman eden yargılanmaz, iman etmeyen ise zaten yargılanmıştır. Çünkü Tanrı'nın biricik Oğlunun adına iman etmemiştir. 19Yargı da şudur: dünyaya ışık geldi, ama insanlar ışığın yerine karanlığı sevdiler. Çünkü yaptıkları işler kötüydü.
Record Label: j & m
Type of Label: Indie

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