Getting Lasik eye sugery on the regular. Yeah gettin drunk and getting Lasik with my friends. I love eye upgrading. Carlin
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Taylor Godsey...
I've been listening to a lot of Mogwai, and a whole lot of Blazin Hazen. I think he is probably one of the best rappers out there right now. I also like a lot of praise and worship music. "Lord we lift your name on high". I love God so much man. And I love all of his bastard children. But not you. Oh...and not you either.
Jump and Jack Flash, or maybe like, uummm, Ghost, or maybe even The Color Purple. All of the Comic Reliefs. Sister Act one and two are awesome. You could say that I'm pretty diverse.
Television trailers of that movie "Dream a Little Dream".
Antigravitational Pulley Systems, My Stillborn Won't Eat!, Politics Are Your Past Time-I Watch Baseball, Mirror Mortals, The Holographic Projection of God and Space, The Symphony Composer's Handbook, Designing Humans, FistFighting God, The Comprehensive Publications of Lucifer the Devil, Underestimating Everything, Naughty Docs and the Interesting Explosions, Pussy Punch 101, The Bible, Throwing Up Gang Signs For Beginners, Throwing Up Gang Signs For Experts, Mastering the Gang Sign, How to make Shitty Music That Appeals To The Majority (literally 32 pages in length), The Fun In Post Pardom Depression, and stuff like that.
Tim Rutili, Paul "Loose Cannon" Fehrenbacher Jr., Andrew "Slow Motion" Coppinger, Samuel Beam, Nick Drake with ease, Mr. Doc Waters a.k.a. Bible, and Ray Charles before he went blind, loser.