Videogames, Roleplaying, Pro-Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts competition, and good stories. Favored video games in particular are hybrid action RPG style games, FPS Shooters, Stealth action games, Fighting/Wrestling games, and ANYTHING that allows me to customize and create. As for Roleplaying, I've been doing that since about the age of 10, starting with ye' oldschool D&D. Games series I've both played in as well as ran campaigns for include Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun, Heroes Unlimited, D&D, AD&D 2nd Edition, Twilight 2000, Ninja's & Superspies, and Marvel Superheroes.
The Perfect Woman... the kind that won't press charges.
I have a very broad range of musical tastes. Just depends on my mood. Generally I lean towards Rock, Metal, and the more gritty Alternative offerings. About the only thing I can't stand is Bluegrass Country, Today's Cookie Cutter Pop Culture shit, and 80's and Early 90's Speed Metal. Other than that, I'm game to hear anything at least once.
Just like my musical tastes, I have fairly diverse interests in movies. I tend to favor Comedies and High Speed plot driven action flicks (As opposed to the crappy ones that just have alot of fighting and crap getting blown up for little to no reason.) I'm also a huge mark for Star Wars movies. Yeah I know, what better way to declare your dorkdome, but If you're gonna' be branded a nerd for something, make it something that is actually good, and not something lame, like fucking PokeMon or any of the other cardgame based shit.
When I was younger, I used to watch alot of TV, but nowadays? I occassionally watch some Comedy Central for standup shows, and I have a Monday ritual of watching WWE RAW, but other than that... TV is pretty touch and go. If something Interesting is On, I'll sit through it long enough to get the plot, figure out where it's headed, and leave halfway through. The stuff that's on TV these days is just getting too predictable to enjoy all the way through anymore. About the only exceptions are cop shows such as CSI, which have enough curves in the plot to keep me entertained.
RPG books, Any of the Shadowrun series novels, Star Wars Novels, Alot of game-franchise based novels, Huge fan of Anne McCaffrey's work in particular. Dragon Riders of Pern series simply reeks of awesomeness.
It's hard to say who my Hero or heroes are. There are many inspirations in my life, but not one single solitary figure that stands out amongst them. Teachers from school, fictional characters, TV personalities, certain activists, and so on.