34 MPLS Truckers Strike "One Day in July& profile picture

34 MPLS Truckers Strike "One Day in July&

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1934 Minneapolis Truckers Strike
This strike, also known as the Minneapolis Teamsters' Strike and, alternately, sometimes called "a police riot," was one of the most violent in the state's history, and a major battle in Minnesota's "civil war" of the 1930s between business and labor. A non-union city, Minneapolis business leaders had successfully kept unions at bay through an organization called the Citizens Alliance, but by 1934, unions were gaining strength as advocates of workers for improved wages and better working conditions. By early May 1934, one of the worst years of the Great Depression, General Drivers Local 574 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) had organized 3,000 transportation workers of the trucking industry into an industrial union. When employers refused to recognize the union, or its right to speak for all of its members, union leaders called a strike. Trucking operations in the city came to a halt.
When police and National Guard were called in to guard trucks, and the Citizens Alliance activated the local militia, strike leaders countered with "flying squads" of pickets. To inform the public of the strike's aims, and to keep workers informed of developments, strike leaders published a daily newspaper. They sought farmers' cooperation. Conflict escalated daily throughout May and reached a peak late in the month, at the city market, where strikers clashed with police, who were trying to open it for farm produce to be brought in. The police force was increased for the battle. Many women strike supporters joined the strikers and were severely beaten. Hundreds of strikers were arrested. In support of the truckers, 35,000 building trades workers went on strike. The battle raged on violently for two days. The strike ended on May 25, when the union was recognized and their demands settled. Its toll: 200 injured; 4 dead. The strike marked a turning point in state and national labor history and legislation. The strike opened the way for enactment of laws acknowledging and protecting workers' rights.
From www.mnhs.org

My Blog

"One Day in July" 2004

July 20, 2004 These remarks were presented at the One Day In July Remembering 1934 When Minneapolis became a Union Town an event that attracted several hundred participants on July 24. Riehle is...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 08:22:00 GMT

2009 One Day in July organzing committee meeting

The first organizing meeting for the One Day in July / 1934 Strike committee will be held Tuesday August 17th in NE Minneapolis. Agenda to include discussions of the 2004 festival financials and preli...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 13:19:00 GMT

Life, Death and Justice in 1934

Can a moral equal sign be placed between the killings of the two special deputies and the two union pickets during the course of the 1934 Minneapolis truckers' strikes, some have asked? At least four ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:53:00 GMT

The Minneapolis Teamster Strikes of 1934

by Dave Riehle Three successive strikes by Minneapolis truck drivers in 1934 resulted in the defeat of the Citizen's Alliance, the dominant employer organization that had broken nearly every major s...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:52:00 GMT

Murder in Minneapolis

by Meridel LeSuer Published: New Masses August 7th 1934 WITHIN the sound of a gunshot from where I am writing, Chief of Police Johannes' gun squad is on call; two blocks west the military is massed...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:20:00 GMT