Lucky Cat Decals are:
Lisa / Alyssa / Jenna
We create decals that are original works of art and can customize/personalize any decal to fit your needs.
We also license our designs to select manufacturers and vendors.
If you are interested in our characters and would like more information regarding our image license program, please contact us.
About the Maneki Neko "Lucky Cat":
For many years the Maneki Neko has been considered a Good Luck Charm. They have been displayed in places of business to attract customers and good fortune. At home, you can put your Maneki Neko anywhere you want to attract Good Luck and Harmony.
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Places where you can purchase Lucky Cat Decals:
Ebay - Seller : bestproductsco
Specialty Gift Shops on the East Coast