I'd like to meet:
Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Blonde Redhead, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Red Stars Theory, Smashing Pumpkins, The Flaming Lips, The Strokes, Air, Death Cab for Cutie, Helium, Cat Power, Landing, Devin the Dude, Red Aunts, Grandaddy, Coldplay, Elliott Smith, The Shins, Beck, Yo La Tengo, Film School, The Walkmen, Sigur Ros, Supergrass, Built to Spill, Jeff Buckley, Hefner, Joan of Arc, Pavement, The Halo Benders, John Mayer, The Format, Jack Johnson, Billie Holiday, Sam Cooke, Louis Armstrong, Citizen Cope,
Nightmare before Christmas, Leon, Salton Sea, Ghost Dog, The Royal Tenebalums, Hellcab, Ghost World, Shrek, Deer Hunter, Requiem for a Dream, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Six-String Samurai,
1984, Catcher in the Rye, Catch 22, Nine Stories, Slaughterhouse 5, Welcome to the Monkey House, Song of the Silent Snow, The Death of Ivan Ilych, Bartleby the Scrivner, Billy Budd, Lord of the Flies, Crime and Punishment, The Invisible Man, Franny and Zooey