Almost 19 years ago, 4 friends made band that got the name from one of the biggest and strongest snake in the world Pitoni (Python). At first, they played Sepultura, Metallica, Annihilator, Slayer covers, but soon they started to make their own music. After that they started to play around and got really good feedback from the crowd. In year 1997, they recorded their first demo album with 18 songs, the album name is “The World Around Meâ€. Their first live appearance after recording that album was on the biggest festival at that time in their home area; on home festival called BožiÄni Rock Koncert (Christmas Rock Show) where there were 2000 people. For some time they had to stop having concerts because of amendatory army training that they had to have as a citizen duty. When they returned, they recorded their album in China Town Studio in Ljubljana, the album is called “Kdo je bogu bog†ft. their hit song “Ko prezgodaj ugasnejo luÄi†that is dedicated to their friend who unfortunately died. After that they stopped playing together because they all had different views on life and music. They are still friends. Denis and Bula have their own band – Just Swallow, you should check them out.
Pitoni veÄ ne obstajajo, toda njihova glasba nebi smela it v pozabo, ker njihova glasba je zanimiva in dobra, zato sem tudi ustvari ta profil. Tu lahko sliÅ¡ite 4 pesmi. 2 komad iz albuma “Kdo je bogu bog†in 2 komada iz prvega demo albuma ki je v angleÅ¡Äini, imenuje pa se “The World Around Meâ€
Pitoni, ki so v kleti ves prosti Äas preigravali komade Sepulture, Metallice, Annihilator, Slayer in podobnih bendov, so hitro okužili postojnske metalce. Kmalu je nastalo18 pesmi, ki so konec leta 1997 pristale na demo kaseti World Around Me posneti v studiu lokalnega radia R-94. Nato so se na oder vrnili na postojnskem božiÄnem rock koncertu pred 2000 glavo množico. Sledili so koncerti, nekajkrat tudi s prijatelji Skytower.
Nastope je prekinilo obvezno služenje vojaÅ¡kega roka a kljub temu bend ni miroval, glasba se je izpopolnjevala z novimi elementi, tako je nastal material za nov album Kdo Je Bogu Bog?, 11 novih komadov posnetih med leti 2001-2002 v studiu China Town v Ljubljani na katerem je bil tudi lokalni hit »Ko Prezgodaj Ugasnejo LuÄi«, ki je bil posveÄen njihovemu pokojnemu prijatelju.
Kmalu za tem so se Pitoni razšli zaradi razlike v pogledih na življenje in glasbo. Seveda so še vedno prijatelji. Denis in Bula imata svoj band – Just Swallow, ki ga je vredno preverit.