Howdy. My name is Cherish, pronounced in any possible way you fancy. I was raised in the industrial city, south of S.F. Growing up, I wanted to be a marine biologist and a photojournalist in the military. I must admit I am a drama geek @ ♥. Photography captured my interest as a wee middle-schooler. Pictures have become my visual journal. Music is another lover of mine. I was once a rockstar :) and I still have daydreams of becoming one again. We played gigs @ places we weren't even old enough to get into. Rhythm soothes my soul. Fast or slow- loud or calming, I'm all for it. I love making fims. I am currently a camera technician, learning as much as I can in hopes to captivate the hearts of random people. I'm a tad bit loud and touchy once you get to know me, so please do not be afraid. The rain relegates bad feelings and makes me feel infinite. The beach & stars are my close companions and hold my deepest secrets. Dancing on the streets, singing my ♥ out, and working with cameras are my hobbies. I am a big dreamer and dagnabbit, I walk the walk. Introspectively studying the human psyche interests me. Si, I am a book worm & I am in love with being in love. I'm just awesome and that's the bottom line. :)
AIM..: ..Akane2231