NEW WORLD ORDER profile picture


U Bitches Could Neva Be Me, Only Resemble!!

About Me

Even I look in the mirror like is it you, And I say I must be the hottest if it isnt you Stay fresh from my top to my tennis shoes You gotta pay for this, I remember when I used to pray for this This, is classic, Anotha Diva like Qua You'll NEVER see again. And I'm taxin, you don't want it nigga leave it then, BITCH!..I'M LUXURY TAX!!!..LOL They say if u PRAY then u can get your blessings ordered, & delivered. Well I thank God for everyday that is granted to me, & I apperciate and pay Homage to the people in my life...There are no small people, just small minds. This is the making of "A Beautiful Life"♥-ShaQua Mercedes Safiyyah.... I'm me, take me or leave me, love me or hate me, I'm so much more complex then you think!..."ShaQua?" ", I'm not famous, I'm not a richgurl, I know I'm PRETTY I may get a little conceited at times, but what girl doesn't think she's the shit? & Im The Biggest DIVA u know! Sometimes it's hard for me to trust, but easy to love, hard to make happy, but so very easy to get me angry, Such a girls' girl but just like your homie, so if you have any hate towards me, it's probably because you just dont know me. just try it, get to know ME, I promise watch sportscenter and stay up talking late nights, Cry at the drop of a dime, but play like the big boys when I go outside lol! Everyone has a past, a ghetto tale to tell, but whats life without a lil struggle? Love without a little pain? Trust without some disloyalty? True friends to help you take the blame? I look back on my life and I dont cry anymore because there are people who have nothing and I grew up in my hood with so much more! I have alot of people I owe, the people that helped me get this far, The people that loved me through it all, I pay homage to you all. I love my life, my future, my present, my past, so dont look down on where you come from...It made you who you are -Qua♥

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My Interests

All About Me Survey
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I Am A Fashionista, The Future, a Mean Girl ,A Baby & A Sweetheart
I Want to just be happy in life & with everything I do
I Have the best circle in the world
I Wish people would think before the act
I Hate a fuckin liar & a sucka nigga
I Fear God no Man
I Hear Everything!
I Search for ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, cant live with out each other love
I Wonder If I..'ll ever stop being such a mean girl lol
I Love everyone, and everything
I Ache people with hate in the blood
I Always stop at a mirror
I Usually think of others
I Am Not conceited
I Dance 2 every video when Im alone
I Sing really loud in my car
I Never like a nigga for his looks
I Rarely fall in love
I Cry over everything
I Am Not Always a smartass, shy
I Lose Never!
I'm Confused sum of the time
I Need Money More Money..Lots of money! & clothes!
I Should Have Flyod Mayweather by the age of 21!

Take This Survey at My Big DIVAS, My Mommy & Aunt Donnie..I Love Them 2 Death! My FAVORITE UNCLE MARK! & My Aunt Diva...I Love Them Dearly..So HAppy Their finally My Uncle Chello..Everyone Knows thats my heart, dont know why I love Him Sooo Much But What Can I Say..Im his lil Princess..lmao! My BEST BITCH! Robb, My Pudgy,..WE RIDE TOGETHER, I'LL LOVE THIS GIRL FOREVA!(NO HOMO)..SHE'S THE MONEY MITCH 2 MY ACE..THE GEL 2 MY PONYTAIL, THE BEST TO MY BITCH..SHE'S MY ONLY REAL FRIEND, MY SISTER, MY HEART..SHE'S BEEN THERE WHEN THE WORLD TURNED IT'S BACK 2 ME, NO NIGGA NOR HATER CAN BREAK US APART..SO IF YOU WERE THINKIN BOUT IT.."DON'T WORRY BOUT IT!!" My lil sis Arie, She means the world to me,& one day we'll be togehter like I sisters should be..she tells me everything, we laugh, cry & joke together..she'll always b in my heart..but when I c her..ima kick her you pumpernickles! My Lil brother TUPAC(yea that's his real name for those of u that dont know)..he's so annoyin! moreless i love him to death, onli I can call him a dork, fight with him, and get him in trouble so all you lil brats fall back, I dont play ova my lil dork! Me & My Mommy..Total opposites but just alike..she's quite, im loud, i'd rather run around, she's rather sit still, btu we both want whats best for SHAQUA we've been through are ups and downs but what mother & daughter doesn't..She's always goin 2 be there when I need her & when I get caked up she'll never have 2 worry about anything..She My Everything & I love Her..even though she drives me nuts! Lucy Boosie & Ms. Shakii...These are my onli true friends that I have in Atlanta..I can count on Lucy to b there when I need her, to laugh with to cry to, to just talk about the dumbest shit ever!..but dat my nigga with her country ass..but its alrite cuz she always got sumtin to say about up north..& Shakii Erks My Nerves The most, but how could u not love the lil brat..lmao..Always thinkin sumbody tryin play her..when she dont even know, but she real so thats why I fucks wit her. My Favorite Cousin Zakia..She been in my corner since?..Well Forever!..I guess It's sumtin about my nanny's kids & grandkids..we stick together through whatever, dats how we were raised..she's my mom's favorite niece & we love her to death, The way My mom loves her, Is the Way I LOVE ATYANNA..dats my baby always & forever!.I love you Guys! My Big Homie ASH, She's always told me Qua I love you & if you ever need to talk Im always here..even if we dont talk for weeks, dont see each other everyday, the love never gets thinner, & through whatever may come, & all that we've been through, the fights with all our cousins, the break up, the chaos..we'll always be Divas, but more importantly. we'll always be FAMILY! My Tajohna Momma..This My trust momma with my deepest secret..she real..she never been beat for the bullshit..& she doesnt hide how she feels...Im so proud of her for all that she's accomplishing..& throughout the years she still the only cousin I can go to & know what we talk about is what "WE TALK ABOUT" & it goes so futher then that..She was the first person i told I was goin to do the do..lmao..Thats My Bitch!..Love U Black Ass! Rannie my Rannie..She Swear she but I love her to death..& she loves me back..& its so funny cuz some bitchz dont like that!..DON'T WORRY BOUT IT"..LMAO..we were raised together..cried together.shes more like a sister then a lil cousin..I'm do all I can to make sure she makes it in this Crazy ass world, and even more out of our Krazy ass Hood..I love U Rannie, U my Heart & Always & Forever Kidd Yette..My "MEAN GIRL" hate us, niggaz want us..what more can I can we sum bad can relate to her..we talk about it all, and bomb on people all the time...some people dont like her, or dont like that fact I like her(no homo)..but we got alot in common so if thats my nigga except it or uh...get the fuck on! & Last but not least my very phoney lil Money Honey!..She Know I love her...dats my lil nigga..she goin marry my son Mazzi in like whatever...Noone is this world likes everyone..theirs people I fuck with that she doesnt like..There are people she mess with that cant Stand Qua..But we sisters anyway..cause at the end of the day..dat shit dont really matter!

I'd like to meet:

It's Go Hard Season..If u didnt know..U betta get cha money a cake up year..fuck it call me Qua $tacks..dats all im my nigga Momma said..We finically focused..I can't let my dreams pass me by, put my goals on hold. Its M.O.E. For real outhere..Im trying get my lil sister outta here ya dig..Big ups to Rannie baby U only got 3 months Kidd!...I got my circle rite..Becuz all ya Famliy aint real rite, Ya friends are ur biggest haterz, and The Fans..This goes out to u, ur my #1...ya'll make my life great..I am The Future, The Past, The Present, I am the safe haven for the Rebel Runaway and the Resistor, The Trusted MisLeader, The Number 1 Defender, I'm Ur Role Model, The One You Love to Hate, but u HATE That u LOVE ME, Qua, Fuck IT, dats my attitude, I trust no one, love everything, and like a few..It's 08 Niggaz time to carry ur own weight!



God, My Mother, My Nanny & ME!

My Blog

I wonder...

All my Life I've been dreaming of this life." Playing out my years as a young girl, clawing my way through middle school, Facing everything that comes with being in highschool. You sit in your room an...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:32:00 PST

Coming to terms..

U need to realize, Im not going to sit a round a wait for someone to call me or show me some type of affection. I mean I kinda deserve alot better, and the fact that Im trying to do so much with my li...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:28:00 PST

Songs that knew just how I felt about you...

"I Wish You Loved Me" [Intro:]Uhh uhh uh uh uo woah woah uh uh uh uh ou whoa whoa..[Verse 1:]Something, Something Is Simple As Me Hearing Your NamePuts Me, Puts Me In A Place That I Can't Even Explain...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:40:00 PST

(losed My Yung Girl Chapter

I trusted You. I Gave my heart to you I Gave u my world, choosing u over everyone Fighting Battles Bigger Then I Could Win All For You Rejecting Love For something u promised Lay Awake In My Bed, Whil...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:59:00 PST

Breaks My Heart

To see u with someone else, makes my eyes fill up with tears. To know u should of been the one I gave my heart 2. I always thought u didnt deserve my love, or u wouldnt kno what 2 do with it. I...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:47:00 PST


Love is a very strong word, and people now a days use it too often. Whether its coming from the nigga u think u love, ur family thats supposed to always b there for u, or even from urself. I had 2 lea...
Posted by NEW WORLD ORDER on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:48:00 PST