basketball, computers, software programming, basketball, and more basketball. I am willing to play anybody, but you can look for me on the next and1 mixtape. I am going to the open run and making it into the damn building... JERSEY IS IN THE FUCKING BUILDING!!!!
I'd like to meet anyone worth meeting. If they ain't bout shit why meet em'
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Anything except for country. I hate Country music!!!!!!!!! Big Ups, to my man Can-I-Bus still going strong, and still the best rapper alive. If yall don't know yall better ask somebody. Canibus spit that raw shit, as a matter of fact, he doesn't spit, he unswallows!!!
My favorite Movie is the first Matrix. But Mainly, I like movies with a message within them, or a deep message behind the film itself. Another one of my favorites is V for Vendetta.
My favorite TV show/ series is the family guy cartoon because that shit is funny.
my favorite book is the oddysey, by homer
God, my parents, and grandparents.
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