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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello :) I am a very sporty and outgoing girl. I am currently competing at an elite level and in the GB team in my sport and ranked 1st in the country. I aim to be in the 2012 Olympics and beyone. I study sports science and in 1st year at uni. I also love clubbing but don't reli get drunk. Anything else u wanna know message me and ask for my msn...but only if ur lucky and if ur nt older than 24 and in this country!I am person who likes to achieve and be a role model. I believe that nothings impossible and there is no such thing as 'can't 'unless you try. Thats why for my whole life I have always set goals for myself and have achieved them. I wont to prove to ppl that if you set your mind to can achieve it. My main goals in life is to win Gold and 2012 and at the mo, im cuurently in the Great Britain Squad full time; to get a 1st in my Sports Sci degree and to enter politics and fight for better oppertunities for youths within the social setting and education setting. I have done over 3000 hours voluntry work, have many sports qualifications such as; gym instruction, lifeguard, football coach, community sports leaders...; have partisipated in many sports at all levels...and with all of this experience I feel that later when I start my politics career and campaign, many ppl can't argue with me because I have all this experience!!!!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am a person that accepts everyone for who they are as long as they don't effect me in any way. I like unique people who act as themsleves and are not sheeps!! I love meeting new people and am a friendly person to get on with!

My Blog

So much happening at the moment...need your support ppl xx

Just as mentioned in my last blog, I have achieved so much lately and I feel that my hard work is starting to pay off. Plus YEARDOT is nearly finished...time has gone so quick people. Can't wait to se...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 08:18:00 GMT

Wow what a week it has been...

Well Well people....The sun is shining and it's definitely shining on me :D As mentioned in my last blog I competed in the English Senior Championships on the 1-2 May. At the event everyone in my weig...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 07:39:00 GMT

What a week this week is going to be for me....I need your support!!!

Well Well people...Firstly ... summer is arriving and I cant wait. Only 19 more days left till I complete my first year of uni. I have handed in all my coursework and now just THREE exams left which I...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 04:50:00 GMT

I'm aiming much happening and can't wait...

Hello everyone!This is going going so fast!! And I have so much happening at this moment in time, but I am feeling motivated, however there are many barriers that are in the way which are bringing me ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 17:23:00 GMT much happening...decisions!!!

Hello, Sorry I have not wrote a blog for sometime! I have been so busy like usual and just gets more busier as each week goes on! Il break down everything...Education (uni): I have been piled with so ...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 16:54:00 GMT

Latest update...

Hello Everyone...Hope your all ok :)I have soooo much going on and it's just WOW! EDUCATION: I have so much studying and exams to prepare for...just got one peice of CW back and got an A so I was prou...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:29:00 GMT

I'm aiming high...

Hello everyone :)2009 is definately a very busy and hard year for me but so far it's going really well and I hope it stays that way!I have been training so hard lately and keeping my mind at winning t...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 10:01:00 GMT

New goals = How are they going?

As mentioned in my last blog, I said that I have set goals for 2009 and going to be highly motivated this year and do my best to achieve them. So far I have been on my strict diet and have gone from 7...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:43:00 GMT

New year approaching = new goals!!

After such a few hard weeks, I have now told myself that it's time for me to work harder and make this dream of mine to come true! Therefore I have decided that after the Christmas break I ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:38:00 GMT

Stressed out and God know’s what decisions I am going to make soon!!

Sorry to start off with a negative note...but i'm so close to giving up!! Everything's just getting to much for me at the moment and there are too many decisions for me to make and I don't just mean s...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:04:00 GMT