Hello :) I am a very sporty and outgoing girl. I am currently competing at an elite level and in the GB team in my sport and ranked 1st in the country. I aim to be in the 2012 Olympics and beyone. I study sports science and in 1st year at uni. I also love clubbing but don't reli get drunk. Anything else u wanna know message me and ask for my msn...but only if ur lucky and if ur nt older than 24 and in this country!I am person who likes to achieve and be a role model. I believe that nothings impossible and there is no such thing as 'can't 'unless you try. Thats why for my whole life I have always set goals for myself and have achieved them. I wont to prove to ppl that if you set your mind to something...you can achieve it. My main goals in life is to win Gold and 2012 and at the mo, im cuurently in the Great Britain Squad full time; to get a 1st in my Sports Sci degree and to enter politics and fight for better oppertunities for youths within the social setting and education setting. I have done over 3000 hours voluntry work, have many sports qualifications such as; gym instruction, lifeguard, football coach, community sports leaders...; have partisipated in many sports at all levels...and with all of this experience I feel that later when I start my politics career and campaign, many ppl can't argue with me because I have all this experience!!!!!
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