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I am here for Networking

About Me

This layout was created at Mylays.netfOr tHOsE wHO wAnna kNOw aBouT mE:hEllo wOrld fOR thOSe wHo dOn't knOw mY nAMe iz Twan...fIRst oFf bEfoRe yoU jUDge mE gEt to kNOw mE< mOSt pEOple lOoK at My Pics & pagE n sAy tO thEM sELfs mmmm.. hE tHanK hE tHis oR hE tHaNK hE dAt...Nah pRObably da mOst HumBlest gUy you wIll eVer mEt. and for the Females who Come tO mY PagE & sAy ooh He gOt alOt of GIrls naH...Just fRIends & people i know noThing More NoThing LEss...bUT bACk To mE: I''m tweNty thReE yEars Of Age..CurRentLy SinGle at The mOmENt nO kIDs & yEs laDIes a NiggA iZ sINgle..Not rEally LooKIn for a relatiOnsHIp at thE mOmEnT..BUt iTs alwAys nICe to hAve a FriENd oR suMONe to talK to.. whAt i LIke DoINg..UMM sHOppING & traVeling..and I loVe TexTing THats mY sHit..lmao buT im a cool down to earth dude..i lOve mONey But mONEy Can"t bUy you loVe & hAPpINess {ya know} I sTay Dress To ImPRess Tho. You nEver KnOW wHO u mIGht mEet or SEe so i like to stAy oN my A gAMe wiTH the CLothes.. gUcci & lOuIE& pRada & rAlph lAUren PolO....SHit like That...WeRe i Be?? MoSt of The TIme Now a dAys I'm rIGht at the Crib. doN't reaLly pArty likE a uSed TO buT IF i sTep Out... I sTeps Out. CatCH mE IN EnTOurAge, UlTra lOUngE, mAybE PoSH, INdra wHEn iT was OPen. pLAces likE dAt. dOn't reALly do like MYstique or PePPermINt bEach club... jUSt a laid bACk dUDe, So tHAnx aGain foR the StopPing By The pAge, sHow mE sUM lOve or SUmthINg.. n iF u a hAteR pLeASe kEeP hAting, i lOve the aTtEntiON...It's gIVe mE the FUel i nEed to KeeP dOIn mY thANG...Um GONE!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

DanGer fRom the lOve Of rAy j...The wOmaN oF mY dReams..God wHen mY ExpIratiOn dAte Come...lisa raye....pinky....and when i die..i wanna meet my Grandad again...Rest in peace pop

My Blog


Um thE PuSSy mOnSter Sorry wayne this my version lmao {P-U-S-S-Y} girl put it in my face you aint got to be shy, ask about twan um a stand up guy!!I Can make you feel it in ya stomach but it might mak...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 17:21:00 GMT

LuV DON"t lUv nOBODY!!!

 That Love shit is funny..You know when you first met sumbody you might be feeling em but you always keep ya guard up cause you just don't know and plus you been heart previously. and when you finally...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:42:00 GMT

wHy iz TwAn sIngle?????

wHy i cHoSe tO bE sInglEless problems, less headache...Just haven't found the right one yet i guess. alot of times people are just better off being friends..(ya know)A relationship isn't something i t...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 12:41:00 GMT

That Luv Shit..

Just venting lol. Alright love is suppose to be a feeling like no other. Like you can't sleep until you hear from this person cause you so worried that sumthing gone happen to them.You know how i...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:30:00 GMT

Dat luv shit n the way.

Hello World... This just my views on that luv shit. Luv suppose to b an escape from pain. But shit its temporary. Like everything perfect in the beginning but them as time passes things begin to ch...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 07:09:00 GMT


WUZ up folks... just venting... like i hope the next female in my life, doesnt give me a headache. lol but seriouslly females just accept me for who i am, n what i do..I'm not a bad person i just like...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:08:00 GMT


Umm I'm just Venting... Like Dudes Out Here Iz Funny..Like Come On Dog We was doing True  Religions Jeans Last Year, Year before that. Ya''ll catching on lol..But anyways Just speaking to the hat...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 18:37:00 GMT

Hello World, Welcome to My new Page

HEllo world, I actually deleted my old page cuz I wasn't planned on being up here no more but I lost contact with a lot of yall, so I started a new page. Do wut u do [email protected]...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:05:00 GMT