BO the Neat-O profile picture

BO the Neat-O


About Me

WWW.CAFEPRESS.COM/GUILTLESS Buy shirts Adam and I have designed! Accepting requests!Welcome to Bryan Olson's Myspace. Please enjoy your stay and remember to leave me a comment.
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My Interests

The arts, good stories, a good round of Warhammer, games of the visual nature, and sword duels.

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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5' 9"
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: BOtheGrandith
Favorite Band:: Thousand Foot Krutch
Favorite Movie:: Donnie Darko
Favorite Show:: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Your Car:: 98' Dodge Neon
Your Hometown:: Pleasent Prairie
Your Present Town:: Antioch
Your Crushes First Name:: Jennifer
Your Grade:: Freshman in College
Your Style:: Awesome
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yep.
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yep.
Danced in a public place?: Yep.
Smiled for no reason?: Yep.
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yep.
Peed your pants after age 8?: Yep. Laughing.
Written a song?: Nope.
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yep.
Performed on a stage?: Nope.
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yep.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yep.
Made out in a theatre?: Yep.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yep.
Been in love?: Still not sure.
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Nick from work.
Tell you, I love you?: Mi madre.
Kiss you?: Jennifer
Hug you?: Jennifer
Tell you BYE?: Vicki, from work.
Write you a note?: I can't remember.
Take your photo?: Someone at JAM.
Call your cell phone?: Jennifer
Buy you something?: I can't remember.
Go with you to the movies?: Jennifer
Sing to you?: Jennifer
Write a poem about you?: I can't remember.
Text message you?: I don't get them.
Touch you?: Jennifer
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Earlier today, when Tom made fun of Charlie.
Time you cried?: I don't remember.
Movie you watched?: Happy Gilmore
Joke you told?: Does it smell like updog in here to you?
Song you've sang?: Inside of You, by Hoobastank
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now.
Drink you've had?: Milk.
Number you've dialed?: Jennifer's home.
Book you've read?: *shrug*
Food you've eaten?: Cinnamon Roll
Flavor of gum chewed?: Dubble Bubble
Shoes you've worn?: The shoes that are in my closet.
Store you've been in?: True Value (ar ar!)
Thing you've said?: I'm not going to respond to such a dumb question (in reference to this question)
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Nope.
Whistle?: Nope.
Blow a bubble?: Yep.
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yep.
Cross your eyes?: Yep.
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Nope.
Dance?: Like a white boy.
Gleek?: Still don't know what a gleek is.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yep.
Speak a different language?: Nope.
Impersonate someone?: Yep.
Prank call people?: Is this actually an ability?
Make a card pyramid?: Nope.
Cook anything?: Eggs.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: super hero, I'd be able to control time.
I wish ...: I had a response.
So many people don't know that ...: I'm colorblind.
I am ...: awesome.
My heart is ...: inside me.
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Thousand Foot Krutch, Skillet, Third Day, Jars of Clay, Trapt, Taproot, Alien Ant Farm, Crossfade, Breaking Benjamin, Autopilot Off, Andrew Peterson, Chris Tomlin, Matthew West, Switchfoot, Manic Drive, Linkin Park...


Black Hawk Down, The Last Samurai, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Major Payne, Spaceballs, The Neverending Story, The Sandlot, Donnie Darko...


Get this video and more at MySpace.comIf you have not seen this video, you have not lived. (Yes, that is Jeff, Matt, and I)


Ender's Game, After the First Death, In The Lake of the Woods, The Things They Carry, Ender's Shadow, The Bible....


Jessy Permer, Adam Brose, Jeff Mengyan, Randy Olson, John Maibauer, Bryan Jackson, Henry Dillon, Paul Neave, and the insurmountable amount of people who daily risk their lives for the safety of others.
You are a unicorn. A unicorn
is like a horse, but has a single magical horn
protruding from its forehead. Unicorns are the
ultimate symbol of purity and innocence. A
unicorn is the ultimate sign of goodness. A
classic unicorn is bright white with a golden
horn. Unicorns are playful creatures and will
never resort to violence. So to kill a unicorn
is a very shameful, terrible thing to do
Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla 4424 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 127940 times. 3% of people had this result.
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
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My pro wrestler name is The Great Professor.
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My Your Monster Name Is: is Blooddrinker Moorston.
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My The Fantastic Fantasy Name is Gavin Holmes.
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My Roman Name is Manius Cornelius Vespasianus.
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My Past Life Occupation is Annoying Spanish Poledancer.
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My flavour is buttered popcorn.
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My Your samurai name is is Yuuku Ryougan.
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